verne: here's a really short book I guarantee you'll like. rj: "the berenstain bears play lawn darts"? rj: heh heh...not bad. verne: Try the sequel... rj: "the berenstain bears take a trip to the emergency room and discover it's out of network."
aardvarkseyes over 8 years ago
Lawn darts is a conspiracy by the medical profession to create an artificial need for doctors.
nosirrom over 8 years ago
“The Berenstain Bears are left homeless when they can’t pay their medical bills”
juicebruce over 8 years ago
If you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor………..costs will go down for the average bear family………why is my nose growing ?
russ5419 over 8 years ago
My ex-wife has a low income job, she has obamacare, her deductible is 6k,,,yes, that’s six thousand dollars, so unless she has some major problem her insurance is useless to her.
TLH1310 Premium Member over 8 years ago
The latest plan my insurance company came up with won’t cover ER visits until my $3k deductible is met. “Tufts health select advantage HMO plan”
hippogriff over 8 years ago
Same as us, but still not as great as when we were in Canada where our GP papered his waiting room walls with his research published in major medical journals, price limits on pharma, no copay – and it broke even.
skipper1992 over 8 years ago
Speaking as someone who works on the reimbursement side of the healthcare industry, I’ve been laughing at this for the last 20 minutes …
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Juice-Bruce, what that statement referred to in part was the outlawing of the mini plans. Obama made the mistake of assuming people who had them had used them and had already found out what a crock they were. One of my kids was on one and it maxed out at $2k for meds and two doctor visits per year. She was on chemo and hit that the first two weeks of January, and when she applied to the pharm manufacturer for relief she got turned down on the grounds that she had insurance. But it was a complete scam. I was very glad to see those outlawed—and for her to be able to buy real insurance now.