Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 28, 2016
" A lot of the people that are poor take advantage of loopholes and pay no taxes, Those are loopholes also" Trump advisor Rudolph Giuliani Lucky Duck The poor little duck who's rich in Luck in "Lucky Loopholes" There! It so happens I pay zero taxes again! Just the way the math works. Pig: But I wonder what shenanigans lucky ducky is up to! He's so poor, he gets all the breaks! Dog: rather MEANWHILE Dog: Lucky ducky, you're taxes are due. Duck: Aj! The game is afoot! Okay! Ive gathered the best accountants and the lawyers in the country! Duck: Keep working on loop holes fellas, help yourselves to these looses and del taco coupons, Im off to DC! Duck: Senator, Id like to introduce you to my personal lobbyist! Pig: Haw, Haw! Now lets talk about the tax code! Duck: You're feeling "progressive, aren't you? And So - PIG: Ah, Lucky Ducky! DOnt feel Bad about paying your taxes! Its your hinour and duty as an american to pay your fair share! Duck: Oh My tax bill was zero the syear, bub! Pig: Lucky Ducky!! Duck: Gotcha! Thats how us poor people roll! The end
wcorvi over 8 years ago
I think the taxes paid as a function of income is a bell curve.
Monster Hesh over 8 years ago
I wonder if Mallard Fillmore still pushes that way-too-appropriately-named bit of fabulist thinking known as the Laffer Curve.
Monster Hesh over 8 years ago
Oh, side note: a couple of commenters at DailyKos got their noodles bunched up because Bolling didn’t mention that Lucky still pays taxes in the form of sales tax and such, which still impacts him far greater that it does Hollingsworth. That is because THIS IS A COMIC STRIP AND NOT A THREE-HOUR ECONOMICS LESSON.
tobybartels over 8 years ago
This is the original Lucky Ducky theme from way back in 2002.
JPuzzleWhiz over 8 years ago
Panel 7:
He’s just going with the “Flo”…!
Striped Cat over 8 years ago
Supply-Side economics does not work. Never has.
Last year the International Monetary Fund published a study 5 years in the making that concedes that supply-side does nothing to increase the economic well being for the majority of the counties people. However, that did not stop certain politicians from pushing big tax cuts for the “Job creators” to “get this economy moving”
At this point supply-side just looks like a cynical short term money grab.
Malcolm Hall over 8 years ago
As Albert Alligator said a half century ago: “I didn’t have no income last year, and I’m not going to pay no income taxes.” (Or something like that; my memory is a bit hazy.)
gammaguy over 8 years ago
Isn’t that limo parked unlawfully close to that fire hydrant?
markjoseph125 over 8 years ago
Republicans: people who think the rich are too poor, and the poor are too rich.
Stopthespendingnow over 8 years ago
If neither Lucky Ducky nor Houndsly Hound are paying taxes then who is? Oh, wait a minute….that would be me.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 8 years ago
Noticed LD’s slipping the Senator his “donation” in 7. Penny? Nickel?
pam Miner over 8 years ago
When you live below the poverty line that means you don’t make enough money to pay taxes. You have to make a certain amount to be taxed.There used to be a “loop-hole” where you could get a refund on food tax, but the republicans closed that, and they took away the homestead “loophole”, where you could get a small break on rent or other housing arrangement.The amount the government gives “entitlements” to the poor is a drop in the bucket compared to the corporate “welfare”; the subsidy and the tax breaks and other things.It seems it is a sin to be poor, but almost half of the “poor” are children to young to work, and the old and disabled make up almost all the rest.The “Disabled” sometimes look as healthy as anyone,EXAMPLE; you can’t SEE a person who has cluster migraines; the kind of migraines that can last for days at a time with a a day or 2 without , then starting back up.There are far fewer “cheats” than many people think.If you have ever tried to get a disabled status then you know how hard it is the reviews and hearing and all are very strict. Most are automatically turned down the 1st time.OTHER SIDE; It is hard for those who go to work every day, support their kids, and then feel they are supporting a bunch of poor folks too, but the real blame is not the legitimately needy, the FAULT lies with the greed of the top.01% who are getting amounts like $1,000.00 an hour awhile those just under them make maybe $100.00 an hour, and those as they go down get as little as minimum wage.No one works over $1,000.00 worth of work; the ones at the very top have never had to dig ditches, pick fruit or cook hamburgers, or telephone sales. Jobs that are back-breaking-ly hard or repetitively boring.
jtyroler over 8 years ago
I’m disabled and pay the same amount of income tax that everyone thinks Donald Trump pays.
ozed over 4 years ago
Revisiting in 2020. No surprise. The story hasn’t changed much, just got a bit darker.