Boy: I'm taking my parents to Zane's diner for breakfast!
Frazz: Celebration?
Boy: More like an investment. In a free Saturday.
Frazz: Ah, yes. I know all about Zane's stuffed french toast.
Boy: It's hard to assign chores when you're napping.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Stuffed French Toast? Boy that sounds like one of those mid-west diet killers…
(and yeah, I googled it and am stuffed just looking…)
whiteheron almost 8 years ago
The chores get assigned -before_ the nap. Now, making sure the task is being done is a little difficult while napping.BTW: Who pays for the breakfast?
sandpiper almost 8 years ago
Now see, that’s where sections differ. We usually do the toast first, then layer strawberries and thick cream between the slices. That way the flavors are distinct.
Phred Premium Member almost 8 years ago
andy vast-binder almost 8 years ago
We had the same experience the other day here in Lansing (Golden Harvest, Zane’s inspiration). Slept all afternoon!
amxchester almost 8 years ago
@usafmsgt, nice comic ref!
Boise Ed Premium Member almost 8 years ago
“Taking … for breakfast” could mean paying for it or driving them to it, neither of which is likely to be possible for an 8-year-old child.
Jeff0811 almost 8 years ago
Ah yes, it’s possible Frazz was referring to a previous conversation on this subject, what Dad’s/Mom’s favorites are, etc… .
You are good at analyzing this strip; so much so that it has crossed my mind that you are Mallet himself, writing under a pen name. Then I thought maybe Mallet hired you to do his PR.
I have come to the conclusion though that you are like most of us out here, a fan of Frazz. It would be funny though if you were Mallet just stringing us along for the ride. {:=)
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
“Ah yes, the stuffed french toast” seems to be what he is talking about. Easy to figure that out as is the kid’s “plan”.
Notthamomma almost 8 years ago
B. Puma…yer just irritated that, after many breakfasts of stuffed French toast bygone, your wretched body gave up and the Astros/Rangers had to cut you loose from DH/1b ..’.twas but a few seasons before your inevitable (snerk) induction on the steps of Cooperstown.
hippogriff almost 8 years ago
I had a French professor who studied in Paris during the Movable Feast days. She said that they called them frites Americaine. Actually, they originated in Belgium. At least Canadian francophones just call them frites; no current info from France.