Two strings walk into a bar. Bartender says, “Get outta here, we don’t serve strings here”Later a bedraggled looking string, all wadded up, cam in. Bartender says, “Hey we don’t serve strings in here. Aren’t you a string?”Bedraggled string says, “No, I’m a frayed knot”.
Don’t believe everything you read, Fauna. And at least let Tucker finish eating his snack, whatever that is (potato chip?), and watching his TV show before you quiz him!
paul about 8 years ago
“Afraid not”.
Can not be a phobia I have to be an anti-phobia.
However, an anti-phobia it can be a phobia.
tom_wright about 8 years ago
Two strings walk into a bar. Bartender says, “Get outta here, we don’t serve strings here”Later a bedraggled looking string, all wadded up, cam in. Bartender says, “Hey we don’t serve strings in here. Aren’t you a string?”Bedraggled string says, “No, I’m a frayed knot”.
cvillenick about 8 years ago
He has his fathers eyes
car2ner about 8 years ago
yeah, I would like to see the rest of the family a bit more often
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Don’t believe everything you read, Fauna. And at least let Tucker finish eating his snack, whatever that is (potato chip?), and watching his TV show before you quiz him!
danketaz Premium Member about 8 years ago
ooh, scary!