Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 02, 2017
Frazz: It's Yogi Berra day! Caulfield: First Monday of the new year; the pool will be all... Frazz: "Nobody goes there; it's too crowded." Caulfield: Exactly! Frazz: I bet it's so bad we each get our own lane. Caulfield: Which half of the quote you choose says a lot about you.
wecatsgocomics almost 8 years ago
“If people don’t want to go, you can’t stop them.” You could look it up.
rmbeaty1 almost 8 years ago
With this strip, “You can observe a lot just by watching” (YB).
rmbeaty1 almost 8 years ago
Frazz is trying to teach Caulfield…..“If you don’t know where you’re going, you wind up someplace else.” (YB)
sandpiper almost 8 years ago
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Obvious choice here.
stairsteppublishing almost 8 years ago
Problem is Yogi’s comments is that they actually made sense.
whiteheron almost 8 years ago
Was it Yogi that said " Hey Boo-Boo, let’s go steal us a pickinic basket. " ?
atajayhawk almost 8 years ago
Thank you, STAIRSTEPPUBLISHING! I was just realizing that the comments made sense to me. Glad to know I’m not the only one!
Retired Dude almost 8 years ago
“I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.”
Or was it left arm?
smoore47 almost 8 years ago
X-rays of Berra’s head showed nothing.
Yakety Sax almost 8 years ago
Nuliajuk almost 8 years ago
Where I live a lot of people take off for warmer climates at this time of year, so I really did almost have a huge 50m pool all to myself this morning.
hippogriff almost 8 years ago
My wife is the greatest “talking woman” (female straight man) not in the business. I was driving along and saw a nice heavy-duty table fork at a stop sign. I opened the door, leaned down and picked up. When I got home, she asked about the fork. You can deduce the rest.
Stanley Marcus (of Nieman-Marcus) once described Berri as “a great American philosopher who also played a little baseball.” His sayings do make sense and serve as something of a koan to make one think.
steve.hoy almost 8 years ago
“The hardest thing to predict is the future.” (YB)
Scoonz almost 8 years ago
Thank YOU, Mr. BigPuma for letting us, the fools that actually buy into the worth of this strip, how awful it actually is. If only we, the unwashed masses were as erudite and world weary as you, Patrone.
dgmiller almost 8 years ago
“It’s deja vu all over again!”
hippogriff almost 8 years ago
The quote was “looking”. Watching is observing, but most people don’t look and are usually oblivious of their surroundings.
FrankTAW 5 months ago
I always figured that one got truncated a bit; it should be “nobody who’s anybody goes there any more, it’s too crowded.”