Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 25, 2017

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 8 years ago

    Don’t expect your Mom to put those pics on the mantle.

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  2. Bignate
    Professor W  almost 8 years ago

    First, Calvin was a victim of craziness. Now, Hobbes. Who’s next, Grandma?

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  almost 8 years ago

    Years since, I remember the time I cut some of my hair where it would be hard to miss and forgot about the photo deal coming up soon. Ironically, that spot on my head is now quite naturally deforested.

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  4. Don martin 1
    Farside99  almost 8 years ago

    Years from now, she’ll still go into conniptions whenever she sees those pictures.

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    laughingkitty  almost 8 years ago

    Hopefully, the school offers a “retake” day for those who were absent on picture day or who were not happy with their pictures and want to do them over. Although, you can be sure Calvin would do something else crazy to ruin the re-takes too.

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    Knightman Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Calvin you should worry about today when she sees these!!!

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    cubswin2016  almost 8 years ago

    To the moon, Calvin.

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  8. Sanity clause
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    It’s been 30 years since this strip first appeared and what fond memories indeed.

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    dwdl21  almost 8 years ago

    He’s right. lol

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    mattro65  almost 8 years ago

    My mom (I miss her very much) used to tell me that she wished she had some pictures of me that were normal. I would reply that those expressions were normal. And no, my face didn’t get stuck that way probably because I had so many different looks.

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  11. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 8 years ago


    I don’t remember the 70’s. That was my “Mary Jane” decade.

    Mine was from the summer of ’69 to somewhere in the early 90s…

    (I think)… ☺

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  12. Dt
    JohnFarson19  almost 8 years ago

    Dammit, WE want to see the pictures!!

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  13. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  almost 8 years ago

    I wonder how much shampoo he needed to get the Crisco out? I once tried massaging coconut oil into my scalp and used about a 1/3 of a new bottle. But yes, I wanted to see the pictures then and now, too!

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  14. Tulips
    locake  almost 8 years ago

    Parents don’t actually purchase the photos until AFTER they see them. They can choose to not purchase any this year.

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  15. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 8 years ago

    Life is full of Memories, both Good and Bad.

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  16. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 8 years ago

    Nowadays, Parents would be putting them on Facebook.


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  17. Garfield
    Mr. Funny Guy  almost 8 years ago

    I so wish I could see those pictures.

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  18. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 8 years ago

    For some reason, the word “conniptions” has always made me laugh out loud. Great strip today.

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