Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 11, 2017

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 8 years ago

    oh, super

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    Namrepus  about 8 years ago

    Puddles and Jackā€™s dog will be two pees in a pod.

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    31768  about 8 years ago

    Luann should be glad that Paris(Tiffany) went out with Moose. she unknowingly did Lu a favor. it is easier to hang with the real dogs than with a ā€œrealā€ dog. Lu will be fine. only now we gotta wait until Monday to see what happens.

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    ƦĀ²  about 8 years ago

    Dumb joke: If there is H2O inside a fire hydrant, whatā€™s on the outside? Answer: K9P.

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    kenhense  about 8 years ago

    Iā€™m afraid we are being set up for the dog park date to go well. Sorry I donā€™t like the Neanderthal. But it could be a different surprise ā€“ like Jack doesnā€™t show up to the dog park because heā€™s still with Tiffany. Then Luann would need even more comforting from Pru. I donā€™t see it going to a romance ā€“ but Pru might tell Luann more about her own life ā€“ which could be interesting.

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  6. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Tiff and Jock will show up at the dog park. Tiff will have Jock on a leash.

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    sueb1863  about 8 years ago

    Or maybe youā€™ll surprise yourself and actually have a good time, Luann. Itā€™s likely Jack will spend the whole time asking you questions about Tiffany.

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    ShadowBeast Premium Member about 8 years ago

    When Luann says that ā€œeveryone will have an awful timeā€ she means she will have an awful time.

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  9. Shran1
    atomicdog  about 8 years ago

    Hm. What will Gunther do if he finds out that Tiffany has a date?

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  10. Tyge
    Tyge  about 8 years ago

    Is this strip going somewhere??? Itā€™s all getting a little weird?

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    phoenix  about 8 years ago

    Pru seems to have two expressions. The character design needs to be broadened somewhat methinks.

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    TossedSaladCartoon  about 8 years ago

    If ā€œLuannā€ were a show on the CW, we would soon be in store for a love triangle. If were a Soap Opera Luann would learn that this is NOT Tiffany, but her twin sister who took her place after she [Tiffany] lapsed into a coma. I really watch to much T.V.

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    JayBluE  about 8 years ago

    Donā€™t forget, too, Luannā€¦.there are other things on your mind, but you and Jack need to curb your dogs, or youā€™ll get a ā€˜nuisance ticketā€™. Sure, itā€™s not a kind of law like mugging or pickpocketing! But, still, what follows is:


    First, you get caughtā€¦.


    ā€¦then, urine troubleā€¦.

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    JayBluE  about 8 years ago

    ā€œShameless Plugā€

    ā€œHydrant And Raveā€

    ā€œA Walk In The Park With You, Is No Walk In The Parkā€

    ā€œJock And Strollā€

    ā€œLifeā€™s A Peachā€¦But Dates Like This Make Me Nutsā€

    ā€œA Sun-day, In The Parkā€¦I Think I Walked Forth, With A Guyā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œIā€™ve Been Waiting Such A Long Timeā€¦To Cancel Dateā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œMad, Today! In The Parkā€¦I Forced Myself To Walk With A Guyā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œHim, Sun And Roverā€ (ā™«)

    ā€œKind Of A Wagā€ (ā™«)

    ā€œTo Leash Their Ownā€

    ā€œPaws For The Causeā€

    ā€œA Plug Sparks Interestā€

    ā€œRover Here, Then Over There!ā€

    ā€œReservoir Faireā€

    ā€œOh, Water Thing, To Behold!ā€


    ā€œRex Marks The Spot!ā€

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Cheer up Luann maybe He will standup Tiff.

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  16. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  about 8 years ago

    Cheer up, Luann. Itā€™s Sadderday.

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    Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Luann will have a surprisingly good time, and Tiff will have a surprisingly not-so-good time, and weā€™ll get to see a surprising level of depth in Jock, and Luann will have to come to terms with caring for a not-so-superficial hunk. ā€¦.. and (In the words of Gomer Pyle,) ā€œSurprise, surprise, surprise!ā€ Tally Ho, Greg!

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  18. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  about 8 years ago

    I thought dogs couldnā€™t really see the color red much?

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    rmbdot  about 8 years ago

    ā€œawayā€ greeting enabled:.ā€œHi, this is Bernice. Iā€™m going to be away until March 26th. In the event of relationship drama, please contact Prudence at extensionā€¦ā€

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    Code the Enforcer  about 8 years ago

    Todayā€™s strip settles it! This is my ā€œNo. 1ā€ comic!

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    howtheduck  about 8 years ago

    Sometimes when I look at Prudence I think fire hydrant too.

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  22. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  about 8 years ago

    Jack has something Luann could use ā€“ a little more self-confidence and trust in her gut.

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Drama-trauma has no expiration date, but all drama-queens will eventually expire.

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    Airman  about 8 years ago

    As long as we are just treading water here, may I submit that Pru needs a weed whip for her hair?

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    Airman  about 8 years ago

    May I also express my gratitude to Greg for staying totally away from politics?

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    Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    @AIRMAN: Yes! Kudos to Greg for keeping the politics out of the strip. Although on February 19, 2009, Obama made a cameo appearance.


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  27. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  about 8 years ago

    Puddles has a one track mind.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago

    While I had a minute, I was looking through some earlier Luann strips. In the one I posted the link to below, Tiff is in one of her finest moments as she describes what she would do if she ruled the world.


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    phxhocking  about 8 years ago

    Iā€™m hoping Jack proves himself to be a sensitive soul, in some fashion. Make Lu open her eyes and her heart to somebody besides herself.

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    Sisyphos  about 8 years ago

    A little bit of throwaway humor by Pru shows that she is more grounded and less obsessing over this latest perceived romantic disaster than poor Luann. Luann may never get a ā€œrealā€ boyfriend if she canā€™t get a firmer handle on lifeā€¦.

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