Pickles by Brian Crane for March 13, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 8 years ago

    I think “these trying times” still apply to today.

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  2. Enso1
    |||  almost 8 years ago

    The good old days are good mainly because they are old.

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    gammaguy  almost 8 years ago

    Back then, they thought the times were trying. Little did they know that in comparison to their future, they would be “good old days”.

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    juicebruce  almost 8 years ago

    Back in the day…..or when I was a kid……

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    garcoa  almost 8 years ago

    Yes, when life was simpler – no cell phones, only a few channels of TV

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    hariseldon59  almost 8 years ago

    Maybe they should be called the “good young days”, since we were younger then.

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    magicwalnut  almost 8 years ago

    Little did we know that they would get tryinger……..

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  8. Coyote
    Reaven  almost 8 years ago

    My grandma once told me that her grandparents complained about how much better their childhood was and how much my grandma’s generation was ruining the world.

    She says she generally doesn’t think of her childhood as the good old days because it can be summed up in “Great depression,” then “world war 2.”

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    edreajr  almost 8 years ago

    A great definition of reminiscing: remembering the past without reliving the pain.

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    alondra  almost 8 years ago

    It always seems things were better when you were a kid whenever that was. Times were a bit simpler, is true. But I’ll still take today’s technology over what we had when I was a kid.

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  11. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 8 years ago

    How I wish I lived in the “Good ol’ Days”


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  12. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 8 years ago

    Yeah, the good ole days of air raid siren tests, Nike missiles in your neighborhood, duck and cover drills in schools, the McCarthy Hearings on your back & white tv, the Red Menace, racial intolerance and homophobia… Yep, really want to go back to those days !

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 8 years ago

    I used to get in the middle of a mess and declare,

    “These will be thought of as the good old days?”

    And, sho’ ’nuff, they were.

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  14. Large poor elbis
    Maizing  almost 8 years ago

    The good old days. When we weren’t so good and we weren’t so old.

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