Aaaaron’s problem is that he can’t decide which side to part his hair on. He seems to play better when it is parted on the left. p3 His teammate can’t handle rejection, despite trying to portray a stiff upper lip he is crying into his towel. Dissension riddles this squad, coupled with inconsistent play, these boys are going to have an early end to their season….thank God
Wait! No post game congratulatory handshake for Tod Andrews from Gil? This is perhaps the 3rd victory EVER that the former Magnum P.I. looking wannabe has scored over GilPa. Much like Aaron’s face, the Mudlarks season has melted away. Flock of Seagulls went Simon & Garfunkel on BKB with his Sound of Silence.
HooDad, from yesterday, indeed I do still read Mary Worth. I looked on the site that has the color version of this to see what else was on there and started looking at the comments on that, Judge Parker, Mark Trail and others and decided to join in. They have a particularly vicious group of snarkers over there and it’s fun picking on how bad Ol’ Mary is. The comments on this strip were cut off there long before I got there so they must have been rougher than we are here. Still, nobody has developed their own strip on that site like MOPMAN has here.
And another excitement filled entry in the winter story. Even the snails are complaining, “Can you pick up the pace a little?” And speaking of pace, if you pace yourself you can get through today’s Mopped Up Thorp without hyperventilating.
chiphilton almost 8 years ago
He was also serious about not being talked to.
dutchpuppy almost 8 years ago
Hey, if they won’t pay for “product placement,” then there will be no brand. If it were me, I would have put a friend’s name on it. Maybe they did?
Bucky almost 8 years ago
Aaaaron’s problem is that he can’t decide which side to part his hair on. He seems to play better when it is parted on the left. p3 His teammate can’t handle rejection, despite trying to portray a stiff upper lip he is crying into his towel. Dissension riddles this squad, coupled with inconsistent play, these boys are going to have an early end to their season….thank God
sgoddder almost 8 years ago
Double double if he was getting along with the narc squad hemight have dished off a triple double
bearwku82 almost 8 years ago
Wait! No post game congratulatory handshake for Tod Andrews from Gil? This is perhaps the 3rd victory EVER that the former Magnum P.I. looking wannabe has scored over GilPa. Much like Aaron’s face, the Mudlarks season has melted away. Flock of Seagulls went Simon & Garfunkel on BKB with his Sound of Silence.
TheBrownStarfish almost 8 years ago
From that ant-covered ball in P1, I’d guess that A Quad is rebounding a Mike Granger miss.
I wonder if the exercise-induced acne is caused by A Quad’s malnutrition.
BKB in P3, “What do you mean me, white man.”
TheBrownStarfish almost 8 years ago
HooDad, from yesterday, indeed I do still read Mary Worth. I looked on the site that has the color version of this to see what else was on there and started looking at the comments on that, Judge Parker, Mark Trail and others and decided to join in. They have a particularly vicious group of snarkers over there and it’s fun picking on how bad Ol’ Mary is. The comments on this strip were cut off there long before I got there so they must have been rougher than we are here. Still, nobody has developed their own strip on that site like MOPMAN has here.
Mopman almost 8 years ago
And another excitement filled entry in the winter story. Even the snails are complaining, “Can you pick up the pace a little?” And speaking of pace, if you pace yourself you can get through today’s Mopped Up Thorp without hyperventilating.
miffedmax almost 8 years ago
This plotline is certainly the antidote to March Madness.
James St. John Smythe almost 8 years ago
BKB’s clearly looking to hoist the participant award at the end of the season. How good was the game if you lost?