Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 15, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    I beg to differ.

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  2. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  about 16 years ago

    I dunno, can she pitch?

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  3. Zippy56995996595959995956959599956956599569511111122222333333
    Hugh B. Hayve  about 16 years ago

    Well, she can’t act, at least not the part that McCain tried to jam her into. Funny thing, when SP’s allowed to act like herself (like some interviews she did on Canadian TV), she comes across as intelligent, informed and with a good grasp on foreign policy. It’s the American media that seems to have a problem with her. Does anybody remember back a few years when Walter Cronkite did the news and we accepted it as fact? I can’t watch a news program nowadays without wondering whose side the newscaster is on and if they are trying to make a political statement.

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    Delawarebob  about 16 years ago

    Can’t we just TASTE the sarcasm?

    Top Ten, GT!!!

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  5. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    Hugh B……. Well said…. the “news” has degenerated to nothing but entertainment and a ratings race, just like everything else on the brain-melting magic box these days.

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    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    Hugh - seemed to me that she might have had a case of nerves, or been over-crammed by worried staffers. I don’t agree with many of her religious or political stands, but I have to agree that she’s not the clueless bimbo that the comedians and some newspeople make her seem to be. I also don’t think she is, or ever will be, someone I’d be comfortable with in a power position.

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    misterwhite  about 16 years ago

    It is true that the same people who could stomach Bush can stomach Palin ……..

    And Pat Robertson, and Jim Bakker, Oral Robertson, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, Ronny Raygun, Anne Coulter, Phyllis Schlaffley ……

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  8. Pibs 2008 12 31 torquemada edt 01
    3Xp4t  about 16 years ago

    Oh, indeed, Mooselini is no monkeyboy. She’s pretty much in a class very nearly by herself … we call it Remedial Special Ed.

    stpatme says:   I dunno, can she pitch?     Maybe not. But, like dumbU, she most certainly catches.

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  9. 3dflags usaal1 5
    Alabama Al  about 16 years ago

    Roland Hedley may be fictional, but he’s exactly the sycophant hack that Dubya would want to conduct a final (and I do hope it is) interview. However, in real life Dubya had to settle for Larry King.

    BTW “3XP4T”, the moniker “Mooselini” for Sarah Palin either is or going to be a classic.

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  10. Zippy56995996595959995956959599956956599569511111122222333333
    Hugh B. Hayve  about 16 years ago

    Actually, if you’ve watched any of W’s final interviews, they’ve all pretty much been staged, with prepared questions and answers. The President don’t fly without a net! Anybody remember back when he ran the first time and a news program (I forget which one…it might’ve been 20-20)tried to make him look like an everyday guy, showing W. help somebody move stuff, but the original pre-cut film showed up on another program showing it was all fake? It was at that point I became a full-blown cynic about the entire political process. You can’t trust the news, politicians, business, the clergy…seems everywhere you look, somebody’s trying to feed you a line of shyte.

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  11. Avatar girl1
    hi9  about 16 years ago

    What is it? These people haven’t been beat up enough, so now let’s all pile on? Not nice.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Hi9 - They’re lucky they werent impeached. If another country behaved the way our government has we’d be screaming for war crimes trials. They’d better just be quiet and try to sneak out without drawing any attention to themselves.

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    laughaday  about 16 years ago

    Bu–sh– will not have been “beat up enough” until he serves a life sentence for war crimes. We’re not talking “piling on”; we’re talking justice.

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  14. Cartoon character
    DesultoryPhillipic  about 16 years ago

    War crimes trials? Oh, like in Botswana, Rhodesia, and nearly all the other third world countries?

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    laughaday  about 16 years ago

    De_Ph_, I thought you agreed to stick with Family Circus. You’re out of your league here.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago

    If you folks keep underestimating Palin like you underestimated Bush, she’ll end up being elected president just like he did…

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  17. Cartoon character
    DesultoryPhillipic  about 16 years ago

    lad: you are indeed correct. I play in the majors, not in the pee wee like you.

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