Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 13, 2009

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  over 15 years ago


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  2. New4deer
    4deerinmyyard  over 15 years ago

    Do these guys know what “ex post facto” means? Or “ad hominem”? Even if it had a chance, wouldn’t do ‘em a lick of good. They’re just pouting.

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  3. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    In the venerable spirit of “racist stereotypes”, how about a nice Cheshire-cat grin? The co-sponsors of HR1503 should just love it! (dons flame-suit)

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  4. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    He might do something with the ears.

    Too literal?

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  5. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  over 15 years ago

    Just was listening to a Canadian NPR broadcast reporting on a (US) study. It seems far right hate groups are very much on the rise. We’re back to the 90s in spades. The report said that there was no doubt that although dressed in “patriotic” platitudes, they were racially motivated. It seems that some people cannot tolerate having an “inferior” black president. I guess they can’t see how transparent they really are. Some sites are providing instructions, documents and flyers on how to disrupt the current round of town hall meetings on health care. It may be legal and non-violent but it is just terrorism tactics by another name.

    So sad but so dangerous that such a vitriolic vocal minority can hijack the nation. A huge percentage of which can’t even name the three branches of our federal government. Whatever happened to our schools? Or is this just TV rot? Or both?

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  6. Missing large
    hastynote Premium Member over 15 years ago

    A certified copy of my birth certificate is apparently no longer good enough for the BIRTHERS!! I may prove I am a citizen by showing my passport, but it’s not good enough for the BIRTHERs!! But wait! I’m white!! No problem for the BIRTHERS!!!! What’s wrong with this picture?

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  7. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    Shoot, McCain wasn’t even born in the United States, how come he got to run? How does a baby born at home to religious extremists get a birth certificate???????? Actually had a student in that situation. Had a hell of a time getting a SS card.

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  8. Image 7
    okeedoekee  over 15 years ago

    Here comes Lou Dobbs to save the day.

    Another NPR report; US citizen militia population is rising.

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  9. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    Calling it “racism” is just intellectually lazy, and Gary’s current topic is a red herring that distracts from the real trust issues around our president. The country gave an unknown a chance based upon his message of hope, charisma and ability to read a teleprompter, but the simple fact is that his rush to sign a pork-filled stimulus package that congress enacted without even reading that awarded his friends and corporate election supporters has created an atmosphere of distrust.

    Obama doesn’t need the support of the right to pass his bills
 his party owns congress, and now the court. People from the middle who voted for him and even from his own party are now leery of being screwed, and the independent media (that whose legs are not still tingling, such as CNN) are what are really causing him headaches.

    Nobody is listening to Dobbs’ guests. They are, however, listening more intently to our president, and then they are reading his bills, comparing what they’ve read to what they’ve heard, and coming to their own conclusions. What they’re finding is disturbing. If Obama is going to salvage the trust of his people and accomplish some meaningful change, he had better do it fast or he’ll be Carter II - a one-term president with a lot of sweet ideas but no ability to carry them through.

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  10. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 15 years ago

    okeedoekee: Yeah, it’s been on CNN too, so it’s definitely mainstream, baby.

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  11. Third ntl flag
    PiratePTG  over 15 years ago

    Nemesys, I am just absolutely speechless
 Someone with a well thought-out voice of logic
 My god what a refreshing break from the bile the Obama syncopants spew on a consistent basis

    Are you sure you’re in the right forum??

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  12. Missing large
    sunshipballoons  over 15 years ago

    “his party owns congress, and now the court” – nemesys, perhaps you have some trouble counting, but 3 democrats out of 9 justices is not a majority. Even if you count Stevens, a republican appointee on the democrat side, that’s still 5-4 for the right. Yes, Kennedy sides with the justices to his right far more often than he sides with the ones to his left.

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  13. Missing large
    IbnGabirol66  over 15 years ago

    Don’t be harsh on Birthers. Pres Obama posted online his “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii. Birthers come from states with “Birth Certificates” instead and many do not believe Hawaii is really a state of the U.S. They also apparently haven’t understood the Full Faith and Credit clause of our Constitution thinking only their state birth certificates are valid, and they are right, Obama wasn’t born in any of their states. Need for Universal public health treatment for PTSD these folks still having nightmares about Reconstruction Carpetbaggers (feds).

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  14. Missing large
    IbnGabirol66  over 15 years ago

    Don’t be harsh on Birthers. Pres Obama posted online his “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii. Birthers come from states with “Birth Certificates” instead and many do not believe Hawaii is really a state of the U.S. They also apparently haven’t understood the Full Faith and Credit clause of our Constitution thinking only their state birth certificates are valid, and they are right, Obama wasn’t born in any of their states. Need for Universal public health treatment for PTSD these folks still having nightmares about Reconstruction Carpetbaggers (feds).

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  15. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago

    “Shoot, McCain wasn’t even born in the United States, how come he got to run?”

    So that New Hampshire independents could finally put their guy on the Republican ticket.

    But seriously folks
McCain’s citizenship at birth was seriously questioned.

    Weren’t there some people demanding his birth certificate at the time?

    English common law (which our law regards as precedent) confers citizenship to the children of citizens born in foreign lands.

    Let’s see Obama’s mom’s birth certificate.

    If there really were a smoking gun establishing Obama as a non-citizen at birth., Hillary Rodham Clinton would have found it last year, and she’d be our President.

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  16. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago

    doc’toon– gotta agree– some folks seem a little upset that THEIR guys aren’t in charge anymore. I guess that faint grinding noise we heard during the president’s victory speech in chicago was the frustrated gnashing of twenty million sets of teeth 

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  17. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  over 15 years ago

    I third the SOUR GRAPES statement!

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  18. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  over 15 years ago

    How is it logical to expect any human being to work miracles in less than six months? Obama plays long ball. Claiming he’s failing because he’s just getting started is like complaining the cookies are soggy because you’re eating the batter.

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  19. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    “How is it logical to expect any human being to work miracles in less than six months? ”

    Obviously, it’s not, but that is the timetable that the administration has set for itself, not by others. While admirable, it’s not practical
 leadership is established as a series of small but positive victories, not unreasonable miracles that blossum without spreading a little fertilizer first.

    Unfortunately, fertilzer is all we’re being left with, and a lot of it.

    We do need serious healthcare reform to help the economy, but not the “take advantage of every crisis” unwieldy package that’s being pushed without being read and understood. You can only get away with that tactic once without ordinary citizens smelling a rat next time. Perhaps the true “sour grapes” is being tasted by those who cannot understand why their leadership is being unexpectedly questioned, when such questioning is a result of their own doing?

    One can take such advice and fix things, or ridicule those who offer it and fail, but one owns the results either way.

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  20. Missing large
    longtimecomicsfan  over 15 years ago

    Our President has trust issues.

    Yes, the President that flat out lied to the American public in four separate speeches when he said “You have to have a warrant to wiretap someone,” who lied to the American people when he said “Donald Rumsfeld is going to be my Defense Secretary for the duration” after he had accepted Rumsfeld’s resignation, the President who lied when he said “We do not torture,” and the President who lied when he said “Saddam has nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction, and presents a clear and present danger to the security of the United States” certainly does have trust issues.

    Oh wait, that was the last guy, huh?

    This guy shut down the secret CIA prisons in Europe, kept the entire banking system from collapsing, put the focus back on Afghanistan, where the Taliban sheltered and grew Al Queda. Although I can understand the right’s severe disappointment that the recession is bottoming out and showing signs of turning around
first it was “he’s taking on too much” and now it’s “he hasn’t done everything he promised so we can’t trust him


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  21. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    Fan, what is truly amazing is that “Blame Bush” is the only response that some people are capable of making to any questions.

    What you said may or may not be true, but is entirely irrelevant to the current situation
 except perhaps that if you are correct, you cannot fail to agree that trust issues are very important. Ignore the current one and our president’s own ratings will eventually dip lower than that of our previous president’s
 only Obama is only in his first six months of his first term.

    I hope Obama succeeds getting reasonable change initiatives completed, because we need healtcare reform to fix our economy
 but “Blame Bush” is a childish way to accomplish that.

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  22. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  over 15 years ago

    Nemesys said: “take advantage of every crisis” unwieldy package that’s being pushed without being read and understood.   So would that be Patriot Act I or II???     You can only get away with that tactic once without ordinary citizens smelling a rat next time.   Nope, no rat, just weapons of mass destruction!     Perhaps the true “sour grapes” is being tasted by those who cannot understand why their leadership is being unexpectedly questioned, when such questioning is a result of their own doing?   Exactly!

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  23. Missing large
    drhibbitts3  over 15 years ago

    Regardless, GT has hit comic gold by shining his spotlight on the C Street “Family”. Sure, the Birther bill is topical, but the Family is a mine that he will be able to dig in for months to come! Genius! And I thought that an Obama presidency would be a fallow field to till. As for the delusional who are still trying to revise the evidence of Pres. Obama’s native birth, perhaps they would make a better argument that he was born before Hawaii statehood in 1959, or come up with a little known intended secret clause that requires a person to be born in a state that has been a state for more than, say 24 or so months. On your marks, get set, REVISE!

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  24. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago

    @ The Skulker, who says:

    Just was listening to a Canadian NPR broadcast reporting on a (US) study. It seems far right hate groups are very much on the rise. We’re back to the 90s in spades. The report said that there was no doubt that although dressed in “patriotic” platitudes, they were racially motivated. It seems that some people cannot tolerate having an “inferior” black president. I guess they can’t see how transparent they really are. Some sites are providing instructions, documents and flyers on how to disrupt the current round of town hall meetings on health care. It may be legal and non-violent but it is just terrorism tactics by another name. So sad but so dangerous that such a vitriolic vocal minority can hijack the nation. A huge percentage of which can’t even name the three branches of our federal government. Whatever happened to our schools? Or is this just TV rot? Or both?

    Well Said! Thank you.

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  25. 9715
    nerual53 Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Just good ‘ole southern tooth rot!

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