“You’ve just committed one of the classic blunders. The most well-known is, ‘Never start a land war in Asia.’ But only slightly less well-known is, ‘Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’”
And let’s not forget the Old Hipster’s (sorry, I mean Frank Zappa’s) four kids, Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen. It TAKES a different kind of mind to name your children this way.
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
That would certainly be an apocalypse, now wouldn’t it?
cdward over 15 years ago
baslim, that’s why he hopes he doesn’t get ordered to try!
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
When you don’t want to win a war, just declare it unwinnable. Who woulda guessed Gary Trudeau would agree with George Will?
misterwhite over 15 years ago
pschearer wrote: ” Who woulda guessed Gary Trudeau would agree with George Will? ”
He DOESN”T. He is merely recounting what our CIA guys have been saying since the mid 1990’s, what the KGB has been saying long before that.
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
“You’ve just committed one of the classic blunders. The most well-known is, ‘Never start a land war in Asia.’ But only slightly less well-known is, ‘Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’”
jimpow over 15 years ago
And never invade Russia in the winter.
MisngNOLA over 15 years ago
And “When you have to shoot , shoot, don’t talk.”
Herbabee over 15 years ago
^ Who’s dat dude with the eyebrows, Hipster? I’ll have to change my pic to that of Don Van Vliet for a real winnin’ tag team~
llong65 over 15 years ago
that’s Frank Zappa front man for the Mother’s of Invention. Form the 60’s hard rock era
mikeut66 over 15 years ago
In college (circa 1972) my music professor said if Beethoven were alive today he would be Frank Zappa.
Such was his admiration for Zappa’s musical mind.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
And let’s not forget the Old Hipster’s (sorry, I mean Frank Zappa’s) four kids, Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen. It TAKES a different kind of mind to name your children this way.
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Play nice, children.