Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 05, 2009
Jeff: I think my boss is losing it, dawg. I can't give you details, but it's time for him to come in from the cold. What do I do? Zipper: You may have to mutiny, man. That's what you do when a superior goes mental. I saw it in a movie. I forget the name. Jeff: Is mutiny legal? Zipper: Apparently, if you get in trouble, just cite the movie. Jeff: But I don't know the name. Zipper: It'll come to me. Have 'em call me. Gotta run.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
“Cannibal Holocaust.”
Brer_Rabbit10 over 15 years ago
This will not end well.
Ink-adink-adoo over 15 years ago
fitzberry over 15 years ago
My goodness BobMcK, did someone abuse you in grammar school, steal your lunch money?
pearlandpeach over 15 years ago
BobMcK - chill out…. someone must have P**in your Post toasties this am.
jimpow over 15 years ago
BobMcK: To quote Barney Frank, “To have a conversation with you would be like talking to a dining room table.”
WaitingMan over 15 years ago
Representative Frank needs to stop insulting the intelligence of dining room tables.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
pearlandpeach - What a grand idea, allow me to be first.
longtimecomicsfan over 15 years ago
Another fine example of the far right fringe’s belief that they “create reality with their thoughts and actions” - if they keep saying it, it will become true.
Just like “Saddam is a threat to national security,” “tax rebate checks will spur economic growth,” and “John Kerry: Stolen Honor” (Soon to replay as the sequel: “Hillary the Movie”.)
Sadly, their point is also a tacit admission of their complete lack of connection to reality, as Saddam didn’t have nukes, the rebates didn’t spur growth, and John Kerry did actually earn medals in Viet Nam.
Oh, and the closest thing we’ve had to a fascist dictator was the guy who suspended the Constitutional rights of ALL Americans with warrantless wiretapping, indefinite detention, torture, and extraordinary rendition, George W Bush.
Ouirsophuct over 15 years ago
If our current president has renounced the previous administration’s policies of warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention, he’s kept it a secret. I believe he has expressly endorsed the continuation of extraordinary rendition.
cdhaley over 15 years ago
The humor here lies in Redfern’s pathetic confusion. He wants to rebel but only if he can do so legally. His generation is too ignorant to know that “mutiny” is the same thing as treason. No doubt they’d admire treason as well, if they saw it glamorized in a film about, say, Judas or Benedict Arnold.
jpozenel over 15 years ago
Yes BobMcK, Gary owes this to both you and Sarah Palin. I’m not so sure about the rest of the country.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
Where did he get that silly hat?
tcambeul over 15 years ago
trudeaux has always been a liberal suckbutt. barney frank is a sick old queen.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
Consider this comment an exact copy of ltcf’s post. He said it so well there is no need for me to try to improve it.
swhite828 over 15 years ago
If Obama were a Hitler wannabe, Beck, Limbaugh and others would be in a shallow, unmarked grave in the woods somewhere, and the politicos mouthing off too loudly would have been renditioned to Syria months ago. (The latter is legal under the PATRIOT Act, as it only requires the President’s identification of someone as a “combatant”).
RinaFarina over 15 years ago
Obama “has expressly endorsed the continuation of extraordinary rendition”??
What does this mean? Especially the word rendition? Remember, I am just a simple innocent Canadian who doesn’t read the American news often enough to know what’s going on.
I do know that in politics words are given whole new meanings, for example as in the phrase “to terminate with extreme prejudice”, which, if I understand correctly, means simply “to kill (British context)”.
Is this true? @Ouirsophuct has said so, but what supporting evidence is there??
yow4zip Premium Member over 15 years ago
On preventive detention: