Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 01, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Wally Gimmel's Billy Dare Boy Adventurer with Quentin in SMUGGLERS' CAPE Ch. VILX: "Overtones of Subtext!" Billy: Give it up, Dr. Steiglitz! I've got your covered! Dr. Steiglitz: Of course you do! Look who your creator is! Billy: Huh? Billy: My creator? The late cartoonist Wally Gimmel? What about him? Dr. Steiglitz: Come on! Affiliations with racist organizations! His public stand against U.S. involvement in World War II! Billy: Well, what do his views have to do with ME, a beloved comic strip character? Dr. Steiglitz: You think his views didn't filter into this comic? You're a blond boy, obviously of Northern European descent. Dr. Steiglitz: I'm dark, vaguely ethnic, with an exotic last name, so I must be the villain! An old, decrepit villain. Dr. Steiglitz: So even a juvenile member of the "superior" race can defeat me! Dr. Steiglitz: Look at how my nose is drawn! It's not even subtle! Billy: No! You can't conflate the private views of an artist with the art itself. Billy: Wha...? He slipped away! TYPICAL SNEAKY, SWARTHY CENSORED! Next We re-present 1939's classic "Billy Dare On The Dark, Black, Scary Continent"!
Kingoswald Premium Member over 14 years ago
No comparison. Wally Gimmel at least had talent (grin)
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
I have to call foul on this one.
The idea of “pale and blond” as being “good” predates Nazism by several thousand years. Check the sculptures and images of Roman emperors, gods, and heroes. Stylized portraits from medieval Europe also carry the same theme (American culture originally came from European culture - like it or not). And if you’re going to get picky about noses (so to speak) a cute, little button nose, body shape of a tube, and rounded chin do not fit the stereo-type. The only thing Billy does have going for him on that is blond hair and pink skin. But, really, nice try.
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
“Ruben”, eh? Sounds vaguely ethnic.
Hey, just kidding! Some of my best friends are vaguely ethnic.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago
he didn’t slip away; he just slipped up on all that parrot poop on the floor.
steverinoCT over 14 years ago
If he’s the “late” Wally Gimmel (and don’t get me started on the mass of posthumous comics still going, esp. on the 60th anniversary of “Peanuts”) then it’s the current artist whose views would be represented, no?
That Billy Dare strip with the anonymous henchman’s dying moments still haunts me. The definition of good art, IMO.
mrsullenbeauty over 14 years ago
Little known trivia: Ayn Rand based “The Fountainhead” on the Billy Dare comic strip.
ravenmueller over 14 years ago
Ahh, comics…simultaneously perpetuating and criticizing stereotypes since forever! Thanks TtheDB!
Donaldo Premium Member over 14 years ago
Ruben, I simply love your strip. Whether it’s about politics or comics, you get behind the scene
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Fair–light complexion, blonde, blue eyed It may have other definitions Think “fair damsel in distress” Think “fair and honest”
So if I’m looking for a fair lady She’s looking for tall, dark and handsom Romeo’ I’m fairly certain it would be fair to say You can’t trust anyone at the fair. Some dark eyed carney will win her hand fair and square
My lady has naturally dark roots.
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
Who’s talking about right and wrong or Disney? Most of their characters aren’t blond. It’s a simple historical fact and blaming the idea on the US’s involvement in WW2 is inaccurate. Lew pretty much has it right.
tototiti over 14 years ago
This one has got to be at least a little bit self-referential and self-critical. Very clever!