What exactly did Cobra do wrong thus far? She was the one who downloaded the drive. She told Rip upfront she was going to use it as a get-outta-jail-free-card. So the Cobra hate is because she told him she lost it? Now whether she actually gives up the real copy still remains to be seen. But at this point, the Cobra hate seems a bit premature.
Chithing Premium Member over 7 years ago
They named her well ‘cause she’s a snake alright.
ericbrower over 7 years ago
I still say Rip wanted Cobra to give him the flash drive to hold, so he could bring it back and take credit for it.
cdward over 7 years ago
Curious that she gave it to Breezy personally. Wonder what her angle is.
McGehee over 7 years ago
Breezy says she >offered< them the drive. That’s not the same as >giving<.
stealth694 over 7 years ago
I smell “Let’s Make A Deal” in the air.
tad1 over 7 years ago
Cobra certainly is clever. Whether that is a trait to be admired or despised is up to you.
warjoski Premium Member over 7 years ago
What exactly did Cobra do wrong thus far? She was the one who downloaded the drive. She told Rip upfront she was going to use it as a get-outta-jail-free-card. So the Cobra hate is because she told him she lost it? Now whether she actually gives up the real copy still remains to be seen. But at this point, the Cobra hate seems a bit premature.
Dragoncat over 7 years ago
I’m saving my Cobra hate for tomorrow’s strip.