And Bill steps up to prove Kyle’s point; how thoughtful of him!
Listen, Billy – “fake news” isn’t journalists reporting things the Orange Blivet doesn’t like because they make him look bad (which is just another way of saying they’re true). Fake news is reich-wing propoganda dressed up as reporting and disseminated as news – mostly on the inetrnet, but also on Faux (actual acaemic studies have shown that people who rely Faux “News” for their information are not only less informed about the world than people who rely on other outlets, they’re less informed about the world than people who use no news outlets).
Why don’t you have someone bring you another book, Pinky? Perhaps one of Stephen Kings nice, hefty ones? Like 11-22-63? Or The Stand (uncut)? Or Under the Dome?
Cozmik Cowboy about 7 years ago
And Bill steps up to prove Kyle’s point; how thoughtful of him!
Listen, Billy – “fake news” isn’t journalists reporting things the Orange Blivet doesn’t like because they make him look bad (which is just another way of saying they’re true). Fake news is reich-wing propoganda dressed up as reporting and disseminated as news – mostly on the inetrnet, but also on Faux (actual acaemic studies have shown that people who rely Faux “News” for their information are not only less informed about the world than people who rely on other outlets, they’re less informed about the world than people who use no news outlets).
Willywise52 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Now now children,let’s play nice,m’kay?
Diat60 about 7 years ago
How the hell can you make a Harry Potter book a subject of political mudslinging?
bookworm0812 about 7 years ago
Why don’t you have someone bring you another book, Pinky? Perhaps one of Stephen Kings nice, hefty ones? Like 11-22-63? Or The Stand (uncut)? Or Under the Dome?
Caerin Premium Member about 7 years ago
Given Satch’s expertise with reading watches, I wonder how long it will take him to finish “The Half-blood Prince”?
Andrew Sleeth about 7 years ago
Should that be “Harry Potter and the Half-wit Fan Club”?
Kind&Kinder about 7 years ago
To get back to the strip, you can’t escape the Snape!