Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for November 13, 2017

  1. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  over 7 years ago

    So what do these guys have against Papa John’s Pizza? Not that I really care but inquiring minds want to know.

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  2. Flag 08.21.24
    jarvisloop  over 7 years ago

    We will know that the NFL is in real trouble when Papa John’s pulls its advertising over the kneeling controversy.

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  3. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 7 years ago

    This diabolical alien plot would be a blessing to us earthlings !

    On my list of horrible pizza brands, Papa John’s is near the top.

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  4. Dragonfly clip art  9337
    CeeJay  over 7 years ago

    Whenever a Papa John’s commercial comes on I mute the TV. First he complained that he’d have to add something like a dime to the cost of each pizza to cover health care. Now he claims that Roger Goodell’s handling of players taking a knee is costing him because of decreased pizza sales. The guy is always a “victim”.

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    Alan Genser Premium Member over 7 years ago

    No need to help PJ, the quality of their pizzas will do that.

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    Alan Genser Premium Member over 7 years ago

    No need to help PJ, the quality of their pizzas will do that.

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  7. 75mssne
    tygrkhat40  over 7 years ago

    If I want pizza, I’m not going to Papa John’s, Domino’s, Little Ceasar’s or any of the chains. I’m calling La Hac, Just Pizza, Franco’s, DiMarco’s or any of the other local pizza places. A Papa John’s opened in my neighborhood a couple of years ago. It lasted about six months.

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  8. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 7 years ago

    I started, long ago, to make my own pizza at home. I have two different types of dough – one for a deep dish Sicilian and the other for a thinner crust New York style. Took a while, down here to find the right flour – I brought the yeasts with me ( don’t ask ! ). The kids and neighbors don’t call me Papa John, though. They call me Papa Noel !

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I made and delivered pizza during my college years. Wish I’d kept the recipes.

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  10. Kentucky colonels
    richardjohnsonvp  over 7 years ago

    Ah, friendly aliens, I see.

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