The phrase I picked up years back is: “sharp like a volleyball”. Ok, that actually goes the opposite direction in terms of snarkiness (ya I know that ain’t a word 8^)
Sadly it gets easier and easier to apply that phrase, just look what happened during the election. And that’s just one example.
I don’t care enough to look for myself, but I do, kinda, wonder where the phrase “smart as a whip” could have originated.
Farside99 about 7 years ago
A very sloooow whip.
Leroy about 7 years ago
So get crackin’ Nate.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 7 years ago
Well, what you expect from a whipper-snapper?
J Short about 7 years ago
Next is the post test.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 7 years ago
They thought maybe he was smarter than dirt, but it turned out the dirt was asleep during the test.
jbduncan about 7 years ago
I always wondered what Mom meant by that!
Squoop about 7 years ago
Oooo! That smarts!!
sml7291 Premium Member about 7 years ago
The phrase I picked up years back is: “sharp like a volleyball”. Ok, that actually goes the opposite direction in terms of snarkiness (ya I know that ain’t a word 8^)
Sadly it gets easier and easier to apply that phrase, just look what happened during the election. And that’s just one example.
I don’t care enough to look for myself, but I do, kinda, wonder where the phrase “smart as a whip” could have originated.