New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for November 04, 2010

  1. Missing large
    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    Roast duck, anyone?

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  2. Billete 524
    thetraveller4  over 14 years ago

    I love the headline on the paper
.pretty terrifying thought!!!!!

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  3. Grimlock
    Colt9033  over 14 years ago

    Thats naughty name to call the Tea Party. Hope GoComic don’t look it up

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  4. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 14 years ago

    Leonard Nimoy, host of the ’70s documentary series on the paranormal, “In Search Of
” has been called out of retirement to produce a special episode
 “In Search of
 People Who Think Mallard Fillmore is Funny.”

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  5. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 14 years ago


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  6. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 14 years ago

    Um, Kevin, have you got any hopes and wishes left over for those of us who would end up also living in that destitute and inglorious nation, but who voted for progress, civilization and enlightened government?

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  7. Arkpatch80x80
    FlashfyreSP  over 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, no, I don’t. I thought Americans were intelligent beings, capable of rational thought. It appears I was wrong.

    So now I will have to live in “their” world, where racism and bigotry are given free reign. And to think I served this country 20 years ago to protect it from Communism
now it’s being invaded by theocratic nutjobs and foreign money interests.

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  8. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Yoohoo! Mr. Nimoy! Here I am! Over here!

    (I apologize for my deleted post. It was unfair and it deserved to be flagged. But I will flag anyone who uses that word as an insult. I’m sorry there’s no way to flag an entire strip and I’m disappointed in Pab for using it.)

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  9. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 14 years ago

    What passes for humor among conservatives:

    Ha, ha! Look at the libtard! Isn’t he stupid? Ha, ha!

    Jon Stewart did a one-shot parody of MF (which was right on the mark - two panels of Mallard parroting neocon talking points, then in the last panel declaring, “I forgot a punchline” - and Tinsley went off on a four day tear that proves he didn’t get the joke. I wonder what he puts in his ink?

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  10. Cardanav
    Hoomi  over 14 years ago

    Stereotypes and slurs are the default mode of way too many people on both sides of the issues. Folks, whether you enjoy the joke or not, remember - it’s a humor comic. If you really need a rocking horse to recycle old political insults, you probably need to get out of the house more often, and find a productive hobby of some sort.

    On the comic itself: If the Queen is going to quote the Bard, I think she should do so in the original Klingon!

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  11. Missing large
    Comicsexpert  over 14 years ago

    at least they are both actually comics

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  12. Possum
    Possum Pete  over 14 years ago

    Waaaah! Don’t call us T*Baggers. Only we can do that. Where have we heard that logic before?

    Hey, Normal America, try these new names on for size:

    Chai Baggers Tea Sackers Party Poop ‘R Us

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  13. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago

    “We shall fight them on the beaches
” ‘cause that’s about all we have left.

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  14. 535658 339209472866364 1297576458 n
    cwreenactor  over 14 years ago

    “Remember, remember the 5th of November.”

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  15. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  over 14 years ago

    ScrĂ­obh Eldo Disc Golf two neologisms ago:


    Dang, that’s good. Consider it yoinked.

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  16. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 14 years ago

    I am from Texas, and there was a time when I was proud to be that, given the Alamo, San Jacinto and the period of the Republic when Texas stood alone. But not anymore, given the terrible role that Texas plays in promoting division, bigotry, ignorance, and extremism. And to see it all spread like a virus. What are people so afraid of that they will support the fear-mongers?

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  17. Twitter avatar
    Pab Sungenis creator over 14 years ago

    “comicsexpert” - If you hate my strip so much why do you keep reading it?

    And I already schooled you on how, whether or not you agree, what I do constitutes a “comic.”

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  18. Missing large
    Comicsexpert  over 14 years ago

    “schooled me” ? I do not think so.

    I read it with sympathy for how far the artform has fallen since Photoshop and smug self-reference seemed to have trumped craftsmanship, character development and humor.

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  19. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Comicsexpert knows comics like the “experienced” editor of Cooks Source knows copyright law.

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  20. Red rage by askwhy
    freddy-59  over 14 years ago

    Frankly i dont care if its photoshop or an actual drawing, if its funny then i will keep on reading it. keep up the good work Pab.

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  21. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 14 years ago

    runar, Bruce Tinsley lives in dread of Garry Trudeau’s eventual retirement. How many papers will want Mallard Foulmore when they no longer need to placate some of their readers with a far-right counter to Doonesbury?

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  22. Missing large
    Technojunkie  over 14 years ago

    I think it says something about this world when we have to go to our liberal friends and ask: is there an alternative meaning to this term that we should know about before we use it? There is? Ewww

    I never did see where a Tea Partier used the word teabagger though. Sort of like how “I can see Russia from my house!” was Tina Fey’s line, not Palin’s, but if you repeat it often enough

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  23. Twitter avatar
    Pab Sungenis creator over 14 years ago


    The following announcement has just been posted to the strip’s official website:

    There are a few people who have taken offense at my use of the term “teabagger” to describe the extreme right-wingers who are in the process of taking over this country. A few have even been so bold as to try and have my strip pulled for its use of that term.

    As amused as I am by the fact that a radical sect that claims to want to uphold the Constitution of the United States is so quick to act to try and stifle the speech of someone who opposes them, I am still concerned about their feelings. If they don’t want me to refer to them by a term which they themselves adopted before they found out certain unsavory connotations of it, then I will bow to their request.

    Effective immediately, I will no longer refer to the teabaggers in the strip as “teabaggers.” I will only refer to them as “teahadist” or “teahadi.” I apologize for the inconvenience.

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  24. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  over 14 years ago

    LOL, pab. From my readings you’re still about 20 to 1 for the liberal side of things, but what the heck, your comics are funny. Unlike many of the neo-cons, many of us true lifetime fiscal conservatives do have a sense of humor.

    I want fiscal conservatism from my government and their noses out of the social end of the country. Let people be who they are. Let idiots hurt themselves by misusing products. Let those of differing human adult sexual persuasions live their lives. Let those who make life choices which result in unfavorable consequences deal with the consequences themselves. In other words, get out of my bedroom, leave my power tools alone (for example), I can handle them, leave me to my own vices, and let ME decide how to run my business.

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  25. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I suppose people in favor of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution must look “radical” and be “extreme right-wingers” from Pab’s position way over on the Left.

    But what do you want from someone from a country whose founding premise is that they are not the United States.

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