Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for January 28, 2018

  1. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Maybe the steak is expensive, but the cat food is 3 for 50 cents.

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    derdave969  about 7 years ago

    With the price of steak they’ll have to drive a hamburger through Dracula’s heart.

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    derdave969  about 7 years ago

    Yeah, it’s an old one, but I couldn’t resist.

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  4. Xga6wnud 2
    kab buch  about 7 years ago

    Good timing.

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  5. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  about 7 years ago

    The police nabbed him for smoking indoors.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  about 7 years ago

    My first impression was that he was a store detective.

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    b2plusa2  about 7 years ago

    People have remarked for the past several weeks that for 3+ months the weekday strips have been reruns (possibly selected rather than run on…). Is the cartoonist still drawing Sunday strips, a la Garry Trudeau and Doonesbury, or are these reruns too?

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