Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 23, 2018

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    railwayman001  about 7 years ago

    You can bet that if Drumpf does this, which I’m sure he’ll try to do sometime in the near future as Mueller draws near him, the Dems will have this to run on this year (they just won’t celebrate).

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  2. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  about 7 years ago


    ♪ All aboard! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ♪


    Heil – Heil – Heil Heil – Heil – Heil

    Crazy, but that’s how we goes

    Millions of people living as foes

    Maybe it’s not too late

    To learn how to love

    And forget how to hate


    Mental case not healing

    Trump’s a total shame

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train


    Let’s go!


    We’ve listened to Kluxers

    We’ve listened to fools We’ve watched the White House

    Make their own rules

    One person conditioned to rule and control

    The media smells it and we live the role


    Founder’s words still screaming

    Driving us to vote

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train


    We know that things are going wrong for US

    You gotta resist His lies



    Heirs of a cold war

    That’s what we’ve become

    Inheriting troubles, we’re mentally numb

    Crazy, we just sit and stare

    We’re living with something made by the Bear


    Mental case not healing

    Who and what’s to blame

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train

    We’re going off the rails on a crazy train


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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Just another component of Making America Great Again.

    The Supremes already decided that money is speech, so if you don’t have sufficient money, you don’t have speech.

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    jbmlaw01  about 7 years ago

    Leftists are the only one opposed to free speech. Citizens United was about a movie about Hillary, made by a bunch of people who put their dimes together to fund it. Conservative speakers are the only ones attacked on campuses. Suspect the Trumpian language intends only to give leftists a mirror to their actions.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Leftists are in favor of free speech, as long as you share their viewpoint.

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member about 7 years ago

    The funny thing is that if Pres. Trump got his way, he could be, or have been sued, in regards to the birther stupidity.

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    Radish...   about 7 years ago

    Trump has a tendency to do whatever his advisers most strongly advise him against, and they even have a term for such behavior: his “defiance disorder.”

    He, out of nowhere, tweeted his decision to ban transgender people from the military before a scheduled meeting with then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to discuss his options on the matter. “Oh my God, he just tweeted this,” Priebus reportedly said.

    His aides were similarly blindsided by his accusation, also via Twitter, that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump during the presidential campaign.

    Trump was strongly advised not to dispatch then-press secretary Sean Spicer to dispute stories about Trump’s inaugural crowd size and later admitted, “I shouldn’t have done that.”

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    kaffekup   about 7 years ago

    “And that’s a good thing, Anthony!”

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  9. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 7 years ago

    So many people miss the point. So many others deliberately twist the issue.

    Long before Trump hit the scene I stated that we need to have the press chopped back down to the same level of 1st Amendment protection the rest of us enjoy.

    They can publish things with impunity that would result in defamation convictions for the rest of us. Call yourself a “journalist” and you gain a level of protection that makes you virtually immune to the repercussions the average citizen is subject to.

    I said this about Klein’s Clinton books years ago, and I say it about Wolff as well. I am reasonably certain that the founders did not intend for free speech to be a selective right, more equal from some than others.

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  10. Im age
    garcalej  about 7 years ago

    The worst leaders are those who can’t take criticism of any kind.

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  11. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    The price to be paid for free speech is listening to the president’s defenders say paying off porn stars is morally upstanding.

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  12. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  about 7 years ago


    All you say is factually accurate and simply confirms what I am trying to tell you in the first place. Public vs private is the variable you seem to be missing – or deliberately ignoring.

    Indelible ink : the trials of John Peter Zenger and the birth of America’s free press — Richard Kluger (2016)

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