Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for February 26, 2018

  1. Noh8 tw
    socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The time is now (if the Church wants to have a resurgence in attendance).

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    Thorby  almost 7 years ago

    “The women proclaiming the good news are a large army.”- Psalm 68:11.

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    DanFlak  almost 7 years ago

    Churches have been running on “Girl Power” (most volunteers are female) since I’ve been attending. Instead of exploiting it, empower it.

    It’s analogous to a good business practice: “Find out who is making money for you and make it possible for them to do their work.” Churches (and societies) who value their women seem to do well. I will take good talent wherever I can find it and with whatever body it happens to be wrapped in.

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    Dani Rice  almost 7 years ago

    Preaching by example that half the world’s population is second rate is not a good idea.

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    kd1sq Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    For those of us who are interested in the workings of religion (I’m not religious but I do respect people’s faith and wish them well) there’s a really nice web site run by a Vatican watcher called “Whispers in the Loggia” – take a looksee – it was particularly interesting when the papal elections were under way.

    And no, I am in no way associated with that web site.

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    Anselm the Seeker Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Not really an “elephant in the room.” It has been discussed and the discussion is closed. Pope Francis verified that yes, the statements by both Saint Pope John Paul II and Blessed Pope Paul VI regarding the issue, are in fact infallible teaching. In this case, by Jesus Himself. This is support by the Eastern and Orthodox Catholics. Regarding vocation shortages, the Protestants have stated that woman Pastors and married Pastors does not fix vocation issues.

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    rekam Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    As a Jew, I’m proud that one of my first cousins, Sarah, is a Rabbi.

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