Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 13, 2018

  1. Bluedog
    Bilan  about 7 years ago

    In panel 3, Mr. Spaetzle looks like he’s wondering how many times he’s heard that line.

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    PoochFan  about 7 years ago

    Presidents’ Day was originally to combine Lincoln’s birthday and Washington’. It was not to commemorate all presidents.

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  3. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 7 years ago

    Mr. Spaetzle looks like he has heard this kind of line from Caufield before

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    nosirrom  about 7 years ago

    And the President wants a parade. Got to have a parade. A military parade just like … um … Kim Jong-un, Putin, etc.

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    Russell Bedford  about 7 years ago

    Always thought that Flag Day should have been honored as a full federal holiday and have a parade. After all, we Pledge our Allegiance to it, do we not? Same with the Constitution, which we promise to defend against all foes foreign and domestic.

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    Mark Jackson Premium Member about 7 years ago

    In a holdover from the 1970s oil crisis some parts of the country still have a one-week break in February. (Here in Rochester NY it’s next week.)

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    dosbears Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Officially, it’s still “Washington’s Birthday,” not Presidents’ Day.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 7 years ago

    Frazz15 hrs ·

    When Bill Clinton was the Not My Job guest on Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me, he said that one of his favorite things about being President was that they played a song every time you walked into a room. And you know, I believed him. And immediately liked him a whole lot more for it. Same with when Barack Obama displayed a similar tone most notably when he was Jerry Seinfeld’s guest on the best Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee ever. (Watch it if you haven’t, even if you weren’t a fan of Seinfeld or Obama.) However big and powerful the man, any man, I think they reveal a lot about themselves through how much and how truly they do or don’t appreciate the small things. If God is in the details, humanity is in the trivial ones.

    Frazz by Jef Mallett for Feb 13, 2018 |

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  9. Pa220005
    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  about 7 years ago

    As an educator for better than a quarter century, I’d gladly forsake the proposed week off for some decent support from district bureaucrats; such as freedom from the nit-picking non-educational based hoop-jumping we have to endure in order to placate the above named bureaucrats that have no experience in a real-world classroom. I’ve yet to meet one that would survive more than a week in almost any urban classroom under the current conditions. That being said — I’m in for the duration.

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    DKHenderson  about 2 months ago

    Caulfield’s dad being a pharmacist, it’s reasonable that Caulfield would know about “loading doses”.

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