There is no proper name for a female snake, like vixen, sow, bitch, cow. If there was, it would probably top the list of insulting labels. Its notable that the male equivalents can often be used as compliments: dog, bull, drake, gander, tom, fox. I’m not trying to make any point here; maybe some sociologist can weigh in with an explanation.
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Was it really necessary to run a duplicate of a strip from less than a month ago?
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 7 years ago
Can somebody post a date of the original strip?
Milady Meg almost 7 years ago
Well, if you’re a snake, the men have the same curves. And “real women have caves” would work for this strip too.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Love the little hearts.
BiathlonNut almost 7 years ago
Yes, Happy. That is the sort of touch that gives the cartoon depth.
Nuri the Turk Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Feb 17 2018
Nuri the Turk Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Not even 3 weeks!
JudyHendrickson almost 7 years ago
Herb L 1954 almost 7 years ago
Snake,Muskie,snake ;~)
Alberta Oil almost 7 years ago
Daft cartoon.. are there any non real women.. you are or you are not
Geophyzz almost 7 years ago
There is no proper name for a female snake, like vixen, sow, bitch, cow. If there was, it would probably top the list of insulting labels. Its notable that the male equivalents can often be used as compliments: dog, bull, drake, gander, tom, fox. I’m not trying to make any point here; maybe some sociologist can weigh in with an explanation.