Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 08, 2010

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 14 years ago

    Eddie is either in denial or clinically insane.

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    kreole  about 14 years ago

    The Laws of Physics or Murphy?

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 14 years ago

    Capā€™n Eddie needs to face up to his need for a new shipfitter!

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I canā€™t change the laws of physics. Iā€™ve got to have 30 minutes.

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  5. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 14 years ago

    My doctor wants me to cut back on fat, but I think obesity is over weighted.

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    thirdguy  about 14 years ago

    Joe, who is feeding you these lines?

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    johnph77  about 14 years ago

    denial, ot course is the longest river in the worldā€¦..

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  8. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    In engineering, a ā€˜failureā€™ is a chance to learn how to make the next one stronger. Large organizations (including Federal ones) doing bleeding-edge engineering are gunshy about that opportunity.

    If a satellite from Johns-Hopkins falls down, the headlines still read ā€œHuge NASA Failureā€. Go figure.

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  9. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  about 14 years ago

    My guess us that Mike needs to cover a few car payments.

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  10. Dreamcatcher 160
    milano99  about 14 years ago

    In IT, a ā€œfailureā€ is writing an application that meets the customerā€™s needs, but contains enough shortcomings to produce more billable hours.

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    PhantomPlumber  about 14 years ago

    Surely in the USA you could lobby your congressman to have the laws of physics changed or repealed as part of the move to smaller government.

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    Allison Nunn Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Palin would want to try if she thought it would help her cause!

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    alan.gurka  about 14 years ago

    Capā€™n Eddie needs to do what all red-blooded Americans would do in his situation: sue Mike! Sue him for emotional trauma, loss of income, pain and suffering, etc.

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    ses1066  about 14 years ago

    Mike will not change unless Capā€™t Eddie quits being his ā€˜enablerā€™ - this constitutes 100% of my DMR of PC Speak.

    A boat is an example of negative entropy. All but a few boats mass more than their equivalent in water, therefore they will sink unless their structural integrity is maintained. Entropy degrades structural integrity thus increasing the probability of sinking. Capā€™t Eddie is fortunate it happened in harbor.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 14 years ago

    Iā€™m Back!

    Eddie can call it the call it ā€œthe ā€”ā€“ ing laws of physics, mostlyā€, Iā€™ll call it ā€œpunishment from God for telling so many lies about his adventuresā€

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  16. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  about 14 years ago

    And the laws of economics, no doubt.

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    okeedoekee  about 14 years ago

    I love extenuating circumstances.

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    BloomCo  about 14 years ago

    Extenuating circumstances. ā€œItā€™s Bushā€™s fault.ā€

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  19. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 14 years ago

    Thirdguy I writ ā€˜em meself. There wil be one moa tomorroe.

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    thirdguy  about 14 years ago

    Keep em commin!!

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  21. Dscn0003 crop crop
    magnamax  about 14 years ago

    @Joe If you must.

    (I like ā€˜em.)

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  22. Sour grapes
    odeliasimone  about 14 years ago

    Actually, if the boat were fixed, then Eddie would have to get in it and go out and work. This way, he gets to sit at the bar and chat and drink. Sounds good to me. He pays to play.

    Sound familiar?

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  23. Image 7
    okeedoekee  about 14 years ago


    ā€œby George sheā€™s got it!ā€

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  24. Pogomarch
    MatureCanadian  about 14 years ago

    Youā€™ve done it again Wiley. The ā€œpunstersā€ are loose in the land of GoComics!

    Radfish, you are so right!

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    dflak  about 14 years ago

    Legislating Pi to be exactly 3 is based on an obscure passage in the Bible describing a well cover. The Hebrews apparently didnā€™t know that you need to give only one measurement to define a circle: the diameter OR the circumference. They gave both and when you do the division it comes out to be 3.

    Anyway, it is possible that the Hebrews could have been right. If the well cover were bowed out into the 3rd dimension (convex or concave) then the diameter would be extended. Give it enough curvature, and the ratio of the extended daimeter to the cirvumference could equal 3.

    But when your theology includes a flat earth, itā€™s difficult to think in non-Euclidian terms.

    Given that the universe is expanding was there a time when pi was lower than it is now? If you made a series of concentric circles that are singificantly large when compared to the universe will they have different values of pi?

    So far, as three dimensional creatures, weā€™ve only managed to measure the ā€œflatā€ version of pi.

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    Can't Sleep  about 14 years ago

    Capā€™t Eddie has a perfectly sound reason for hiring Mike again and again - he knows just what heā€™ll get from him.

    It takes away the uncertainty and worry heā€™d have if he hired somebody new.

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  27. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  about 14 years ago

    pouncingtiger said, about 12 repairs ago

    Eddie is either in denial or clinically insane.

    Since the problem is the @!!#$ laws of physics, a quote from Einstein is germane here: ā€œThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.ā€

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    Jaroca2  about 14 years ago


    Heā€™s not in Bah Hahbahā€¦..heā€™s at a cawfee shop on the peeah.

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    strodgers  about 14 years ago

    (Grog Genius_badge said, about 13 hours ago

    I canā€™t change the laws of physics. Iā€™ve got to have 30 minutes.)

    But, but, Mr. Scott, you can do anything. Just divide your estimate by 4.

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  30. Redfoxava
    reynard61  about 14 years ago

    @ PhantomPlumber: As anti-Science as a lot of the current crop of incoming congresscritters seem to be, it wouldnā€™t surprise me AT ALL if someone tried.

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    puddleglum1066  about 14 years ago

    ses1066: Iā€™m reminded of those lines from the movie ā€œTitanicā€ (the good parts, not the parts with Leonardo): the shipā€™s just hit the iceberg and is sitting stopped in the water. The captain, the shipā€™s designer and the owner of the White Star Line are on the bridge, looking at the plans. The owner, of course, is anxious to get underway. The designer looks at the plans, hears the list of breached watertight compartments and says, ā€œfrom this point on, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.ā€ The owner looks at him and says, ā€œBut this ship cannot sink!ā€ The designer looks back and says, ā€œSheā€™s made of iron, sir. She can sink, and she will. Itā€™s a mathematical certainty.ā€ One of the best lines ever uttered on-screen by an engineerā€¦

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  32. Destiny
    Destiny23  about 14 years ago

    I wonder if thereā€™s any hull left under all those patches.

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  33. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Aā€™yuh. Laws of physics will bite your backside.

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  34. Left wing 3
    somebodysshorts  about 14 years ago

    I just had to do this

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    Ermine Notyours  about 14 years ago

    Meanwhile the cat seems to be violating the laws of physics by switching from shoulder to shoulder, depending on which one is closer to the viewer. This is cartoon physics.

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  36. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Whereā€™s your cat, right now Unless itā€™s asleep, probably not where it was when I asked. If you really want to see a cat defy physics, deal with a deaf one.

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  37. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  about 14 years ago

    If you really want to see a cat defy physics, stomp on the ground next to it when itā€™s sleeping. Some cats can fly.

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