What’s with the shading? Is Pig not only wearing the cone of ignorant bliss carrying the balloons of dark times ahead? Or maybe dark times behind? Depends on which outlook you prefer as which of those dark times you’re going to choose.
Pastis, you are a freaking genius. You have almost killed me on three separate occasions when I almost drowned from snorting coffee up my nose laughing at your strip.
Trump has already made such a complete fool of himself in the 72 years he has lived that he couldn’t catch up with Obama if he lives to be 150 years old. Class is Class, and Obama has it. Trump wouldn’t recognize it if it kicked him in the face.
BE THIS GUY almost 7 years ago
At least with Pig, the taxpayers didn’t pay for cone of silence.
knight1192a almost 7 years ago
What’s with the shading? Is Pig not only wearing the cone of ignorant bliss carrying the balloons of dark times ahead? Or maybe dark times behind? Depends on which outlook you prefer as which of those dark times you’re going to choose.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The official headgear of Evangelicals!
Ontman almost 7 years ago
Where can I get one of those cones?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I wake up in bed with a big sense of anxiety. Then I wake up and realize the reason is still reality, have coffee and try to ignore it.
u40la13 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Where can I get one of those Cones of Ignorant Bliss? Hopefully they are cheaper than Xanax.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Our beloved Commander in Cheat has his own “Cohen” of ignorance!
Andrew Sleeth almost 7 years ago
I see Stephan has updated the Sphere o’ Splendid Isolation.
jessie d. almost 7 years ago
The nation is about to have a collective nervous breakdown with our medical system still under assault by the same scoundrels.
F-Flash almost 7 years ago
I know as long as you are thinking about politics, your anxiety level will be high as a kite by then. I think it’s gonna be a long long time …………………..
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Maybe that’s the Republican plan— make reality so painful that block out the whole thing and stay home on election day.
Plods with ...™ almost 7 years ago
HEE heeee… Hold my beer and watch this.
The president of South Korea has suggested that Mr Trump be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Wouldn’t it be a kick in the pants that he’d finally be on equal footing with Mr Obama?
(I’ll be over there….)
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 7 years ago
What’s to worry about? It’s just a narcissistic idiot in the White House with access to thousands of nuclear missiles and, worse, a Twitter account.
Rocky Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Pastis, you are a freaking genius. You have almost killed me on three separate occasions when I almost drowned from snorting coffee up my nose laughing at your strip.
majorpain1251 almost 7 years ago
Is that cone actually a “Make America Great Again” cap?
WCraft Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Or, you can just read (most of) these comics, and ignore the troll commenters and the news.
cdnalor almost 7 years ago
It’s been said that stupid people are the happiest people. What, me worry?
juneybug almost 7 years ago
How To Cope in Bad Times:.
1) Go to God’s House for a visit..
2) Kneel before Him and thank Him for everything good on earth..
3) Ask forgiveness for my part in all the evil on earth..
4) Ask for His mercy on myself and all people even though we do not deserve it..
5) Thank Him for what Faith I have and beg to increase in Faith..
6) Thank Him for trusting me to adore Him in these times when so few adore Him..
7)Adore Him.
The Moose Group almost 7 years ago
Damn, I could use one of those right now!
David Rickard Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Where do I order one of those?
Bonita Voigt almost 7 years ago
Pig could get rich selling them. I know I could sure use one!
chris_weaver almost 7 years ago
And cheaper than a lobotomy!
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
Pig is doomed! Ignorance is not bliss. It’s just ignorance, and that’s going to hurt….
mauser7 almost 7 years ago
Rule #1, Don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule #2, It’s all small stuff.
ZeebaNeighba1985 almost 7 years ago
Control finally put the Cone of Silence to good use.
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Trump has already made such a complete fool of himself in the 72 years he has lived that he couldn’t catch up with Obama if he lives to be 150 years old. Class is Class, and Obama has it. Trump wouldn’t recognize it if it kicked him in the face.
ND Cool Z over 6 years ago
That’s kinda cute….for a comic that’s usually dark.