Adam’s method is like tossing a bunch of car parts in the air and hoping that when they fall and hit the ground they will randomly assemble into a car.
All kittens must have dark pasts. Cute and cuddly with big eyes and soft fur until they bring out the needle sharp claws. They are the masters of the Who? Me? innocent look.
The idea of “brainstorming” using random words never worked for me when I had writer’s block. It worked for me when I used words that had something to do with the topic. I always started with the thesaurus, and then went to the dictionary and read words above and below or just the indicators on the top or bottom. Before I knew it, I had a few random sentences on the topic. Eventually, they led me to a story. Sometimes I used the original sentences, and sometimes just snippets…The idea is to write something, so matter what, that makes some kind of sense by the of an hour.
nosirrom over 6 years ago
Interesting observation, Adam. But why are you parched?
danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago
The kittens must be on their second or third life.
karmakat01 over 6 years ago
just give him a lot of DARK COLD BREW into a football’s hat.
Enter.Name.Here over 6 years ago
Adam’s method is like tossing a bunch of car parts in the air and hoping that when they fall and hit the ground they will randomly assemble into a car.
Sisu60 over 6 years ago
so this is how a genius mind works
Stevefk over 6 years ago
His one brainstorm was an old joke I heard as a kid – whats green and sings? Elvis Parsley!
qteghanson over 6 years ago
I still think he should write a novel based on the pasta lovin’ spy idea from yesterday.
cmo2495 Premium Member over 6 years ago
All kittens must have dark pasts. Cute and cuddly with big eyes and soft fur until they bring out the needle sharp claws. They are the masters of the Who? Me? innocent look.
Milady Meg over 6 years ago
I think he needs the coffee to dilute the acid he clearly had earlier.
bookworm0812 over 6 years ago
Hey! Maybe Adam can finally answer the question that Alice asked in Cul de Sac three years ago!:
I had hoped that this was a real book, but unfortunately it’s some fictitious book for the comic. I wanted to know the answer too!
cuzinron47 over 6 years ago
@ cmo2495: I do think that one has promise and would support a suspicion many have had for many years.
Dr_Fogg over 6 years ago
A DJ in NYC … a long time a go, called him Elbow Parsley
Mentor397 over 6 years ago
When I drink a lot of caffeine, my brainstorming involves a lot of urine-based brilliance.
Ed The Red Premium Member over 6 years ago
Petey the Cuddliest Pocupine sounds like a Disney nature film from the 1960s.
1JennyJenkins over 6 years ago
The idea of “brainstorming” using random words never worked for me when I had writer’s block. It worked for me when I used words that had something to do with the topic. I always started with the thesaurus, and then went to the dictionary and read words above and below or just the indicators on the top or bottom. Before I knew it, I had a few random sentences on the topic. Eventually, they led me to a story. Sometimes I used the original sentences, and sometimes just snippets…The idea is to write something, so matter what, that makes some kind of sense by the of an hour.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 6 years ago
David Letterman: “There is no ‘off’ position on the genius switch.”