Lay Lines by Carol Lay for May 21, 2018

  1. Idano
    Ida No  over 6 years ago

    Maybe the problem was that he had conviction and she lacked it.

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  2. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  over 6 years ago

    A little dark?

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  3. Image
    Olddog1  over 6 years ago

    Should have gone into politics.

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    Radish...   over 6 years ago

    the bad seed

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  5. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 6 years ago

    A robber started shooting while robbing a gun store. The owner shot back. The court denied the robber’s claim of self defense since the owner was shooting at him.

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  6. David00a
    David Bethke Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Is the "common-law " wife in panel 11 the same woman in panel 7? That would be strange.

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  7. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    Dark and twisted, Carol. Your work is masterfully done. I do like your style. Reminds me of some of the stories on Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Twilight Zone, Thriller and others of the 1950’s – 1960’s.

    A man’s psychology that whatever happens to those around them it isn’t his fault, just the way things have worked out. (Whether a deity, or predestination) Now that would be a frightening thing if more people think like that than before. But they rarely talk about it except that 60 minutes that rocked the world since there are others popping up thinking in that same dangerous way. A trend? What kind of trend? Evolution and natural population control? The Devil/Satan/Samael behind it before the Final War and Judgment or any number of points-of-view out there? Some Black Glove Eugenics Project to kill off the excess population?

    You could make it a graphic novel if it interests you. It does interest me, however should you ever do.

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    MCProfessor  over 6 years ago

    Ms Lay, I believe you are usually spot on. It can be scary!

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  9. Im age
    garcalej  over 6 years ago

    Moral of the story……the mark of a true sociopath is the delusion that they’re the only person in the world who doesn’t make their own decisions.

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