Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for May 04, 2018

  1. Leprechaun
    oldpine52  almost 7 years ago

    Yes, she does have a Janeway type thing going.

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    mvwhite5382  almost 7 years ago

    Rita’s actually hot and no holodeck required.

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    donwalter  almost 7 years ago

    …may the forth be with you?

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    Plods with ...™  almost 7 years ago

    In her defence, Roy is wearing a red (sorta) shirt.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    More fitting for Rita a Romulan uniform would be.

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    Catmom  almost 7 years ago

    So is Roy just going to waste away like the guy in Thinner?

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    Russell Sketchley Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Give Rita credit for knowing the difference.

    By the way, love the Star Wars credits with the writer and artist names.

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  8. Samm
    Tempest  almost 7 years ago

    48 years ago today at Kent State Universality the National Guard opened fire and killed 4 students who were protesting the United states admitting we had been unlawfully sending troops from Vietnam into Cambodia although until this time Nixon had been denying we were doing so.

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    serial232  almost 7 years ago

    At Illinois College, oldest in Illinois, the girls at home coming had the logo, because they were on the fourth floor, “May the Fourth be With You”. We guys had the logo, “My a Fifth be in You”.

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  10. Nuclear nemesis
    Nuclear Nemesis  almost 7 years ago

    Didn’t recognize Rita immediately with the new style of drawing.

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    ViscountNik  almost 7 years ago

    Apparently you can take the sky from Roy…

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    WilliamAPlatt  almost 7 years ago

    Don;t that have the movies confused? That looks to me to be a Star Trek uniform, and the May the Force, is Star Wars

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    WF11  almost 7 years ago

    Rita looks fine in the uniform but her changed hairstyle sets me off a bit. I gather it’s just a change to go with the outfit – more of a Capt. Janeway look, or at least more unisex?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    She’s so mean.

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    JamesMcEnanly  almost 7 years ago

    As Vader himself would say, “All too easy.”

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    me_the_polish_gull  almost 4 years ago

    I can see, Rita is definetely not a geek.

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