Rubes by Leigh Rubin for June 04, 2018

  1. Ataridragon
    AtariDragon  almost 7 years ago

    Spock: “He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking.”

    Worms 1, Khan 0

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  2. Missing large
    ptnjbrown  almost 7 years ago

    Next panel: Worm cop pulls worm over for failure to yield.

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  3. Missing large
    rabizar  almost 7 years ago

    that strip was segmented

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  4. Beer o clock
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Reminds me of a George Carlin routine

    The San Diego freeway was the scene of a freak accident today as three freaks in a camper crashed into six freaks in a van.

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  5. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  almost 7 years ago

    Reminds me of ERB’s Barsoom. IIRC, the surface traffic used the “8th ray”, similar to airships, and one direction simply floated up and over at intersections.

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  6. Facepalm bear 2
    Lablubber   almost 7 years ago

    And now to our traffic reporter. Avoid route 25 folks as there are reports of an early bird there…

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