Silly rabbit, alternative media is how the power elite maintains power. They take something that should annoy people such as a tax system that favors the rich and present it as a vast conspiracy aimed at using your children for body parts for the wealthy. Protesters come across as loonies and the vast majority of the nation dismisses all complains real and imagined. Why do you think the Republicans bankroll Ralph Nadar?
margueritem about 14 years ago
I’m not the least bit surprised.
rayannina about 14 years ago
Brewster’s surprised when the sun comes up in the morning!
Steve Bartholomew about 14 years ago
What were you saying? Something about Gaga?
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
I prefer to listen to WWUH on Sundays 9pm Eastern. Greatest Show from Earth.
Bilan about 14 years ago
So that explains how Bristol Palin got on DWTS!
pdchapin about 14 years ago
Silly rabbit, alternative media is how the power elite maintains power. They take something that should annoy people such as a tax system that favors the rich and present it as a vast conspiracy aimed at using your children for body parts for the wealthy. Protesters come across as loonies and the vast majority of the nation dismisses all complains real and imagined. Why do you think the Republicans bankroll Ralph Nadar?
Possum Pete about 14 years ago
ponytail56 about 14 years ago
some of the best fiction writers are in the comments section at go comics . com
Quabaculta about 14 years ago
They’re sign posts for the aliens, rather like the signs over shopping aisles. They’ll be here to harvest (shop) pretty soon…..
Ermine Notyours about 14 years ago
“We use celebrity operatives to divert people’s attention.”
Or start a sex scandal.
Sherlock Watson about 14 years ago
You mean the “Jersey Shore” crew can actually be good for something?