I wish BB had said that the sexes should be equal in life opportunities to accomplish things. Of course there are physical differences, which shouldn’t be a deciding factor.
I would like to point out how stupid the indistinguishable and interchangeable comments are. Here it is. An average adult male, in good shape and not handicapped in any way, can run at 25 miles per hour. The average adult female, in good shape and not handicapped in any way, can run at 20 miles per hour. The reasons for this are that a female’s pelvic bones are wider and different from a male’s. The female’s lung capacity is not as large as a males, and please no jokes involving breasts. When a man becomes castrated and gets fake breast implants, it changes nothing with the bone structure or the strength ability of being a males, it only changes the outside physical appearance and for a castrated male to be allowed to compete in physical activities against females is not right, there is no equality to the sexes, except mentally and females are smarter than males. Always have been and always will be, why do you think they live longer?
I had a girlfriend who talked exactly like Abby. Men and wopeople (there are no girls, or woMEN) are exactly the same, except wopeople are BETTER than men.
This silliness all began when people began confusing (sometimes deliberately) sex and gender. There is sexual dimorphism and there is grammatical gender. “Never the twain shall meet….”
Good for Opus. Everyone should be free to be the gender they choose, regardless of birth. Be true to yourself, you’re going to be with yourself a long time.
Its just me over 6 years ago
Identical! Not when I did comparative anatomy as a kid.
ikini Premium Member over 6 years ago
Ah, Abby. BB’s commentary on the irrationality of some of the more rabid “equaltarians”?
Randy B Premium Member over 6 years ago
Basically the same, until you make a choice and collapse the wavefunction. Then everyone’s actual opinions emerge.
Edmond Dantes over 6 years ago
It’s true. I just checked my nether regions. We guys ARE idiots.
Phred Premium Member over 6 years ago
Abby is smart. This planet could use another 3-4 billion like her.
Doctor Toon over 6 years ago
I’m a guy
I’m not into cars or tech or sports or almost any guy thing, but I’m a guy
Girls have driven me bonkers since most boys were still afraid of cooties, so can be sure I’m a hetero guy, too
WaitingMan over 6 years ago
Girls are idiots too. They just look better at it.
mourdac Premium Member over 6 years ago
I wish BB had said that the sexes should be equal in life opportunities to accomplish things. Of course there are physical differences, which shouldn’t be a deciding factor.
serial232 over 6 years ago
I would like to point out how stupid the indistinguishable and interchangeable comments are. Here it is. An average adult male, in good shape and not handicapped in any way, can run at 25 miles per hour. The average adult female, in good shape and not handicapped in any way, can run at 20 miles per hour. The reasons for this are that a female’s pelvic bones are wider and different from a male’s. The female’s lung capacity is not as large as a males, and please no jokes involving breasts. When a man becomes castrated and gets fake breast implants, it changes nothing with the bone structure or the strength ability of being a males, it only changes the outside physical appearance and for a castrated male to be allowed to compete in physical activities against females is not right, there is no equality to the sexes, except mentally and females are smarter than males. Always have been and always will be, why do you think they live longer?
Whatever happened to common sense? over 6 years ago
It all comes down to which combination of X and/or Y chromosomes are present in your genetic code. Very simple.
wcorvi over 6 years ago
I had a girlfriend who talked exactly like Abby. Men and wopeople (there are no girls, or woMEN) are exactly the same, except wopeople are BETTER than men.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
Like they said in Animal Farm, we are all equal, but some are more equal then others. Stormy & Melina come to mind.
Holden Awn over 6 years ago
It is current fashion to declare that we may choose our gender at will. Mother Nature, however, does not attend to current fashions.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 6 years ago
Abby nailed it.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
This silliness all began when people began confusing (sometimes deliberately) sex and gender. There is sexual dimorphism and there is grammatical gender. “Never the twain shall meet….”
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
I love it. And, is Abby taking a page from Sith Lord Sexypants and wearing a bedpan on her head?
Milady Meg over 6 years ago
Yes. Yes they are. I made the right choice. ;-)
Wendy Emlinger over 6 years ago
Good for Opus. Everyone should be free to be the gender they choose, regardless of birth. Be true to yourself, you’re going to be with yourself a long time.
Squoop over 6 years ago
You got that one right!