Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 18, 2010

  1. Att00001
    gimmickgenius  about 14 years ago

    Dodge that bullet, Mel!

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    mrbribery  about 14 years ago

    His name is Jeff U Classified.

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    Troglodyte  about 14 years ago

    “Eff you” would seem to be an appropriate answer, in this case…

    Seems like an unlikely pairing (Jeff and Mel), but it’s been in the offing for months, and anything can happen in the ‘toon (or real, for that matter) world!

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    silvrGrl123  about 14 years ago

    Oh please, not that extreme loser Jeff. Anybody but. Perhaps Jackie? Or even Fred?!

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    randgrithr  about 14 years ago

    Mel and her… baggage… are already outta there. Definitely best for everyone. Even Jeff.

    And I suppose a character that looks vaguely like Chuck Schumer and a token mention of Wikileaks are about as close as we’re ever gonna get to ever seeing any mention of this administration’s continued role in the hiring of bloodthirsty contractors like Overkill in this strip.

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    babka Premium Member about 14 years ago

    or the dropping of the lawsuit against Cheney after Bush Sr. intervened with a hefty payout. Schumer still has his hair.

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    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    Or maybe the colorist doesn’t have a big box of Crayolas. :)

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    Defective  about 14 years ago

    If Jeff ever hooks up with ANYone, I’ll be rather disappointed. How can he be such an extreme loser, yet still be able to attract women? They’d have to be in a coma. He just radiates stupid and the fact that anyone ever gave him a job only says how stupid other people are, as well. Mel isn’t stupid though. And she’d never have pity for him, either.

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    edcoyote  about 14 years ago

    jrmerm typed - Jeff and Mel have the same hair color, maybe they are actually close relatives. —–

    You know, before Joanie Caucus left her husband and jumped on the cycle with Mike and Mark, if memory serves, she had a daughter…..

    I mean, if little VietNamese orphan Kim can re-enter the strip as Mike’s second wife….why not?

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    seablood  about 14 years ago

    I think Mel should have been a little nicer to Jeff. After all, she had no way of knowing he is an asshole.! Be a little nicer.

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    poohbear8192  about 14 years ago

    In case anybody cares, DADT is toast. The Senate just repealed it.

    From the NYTIMES:

    “By a vote of 65 to 31, with eight Republicans joining Democrats, the Senate approved and sent to President Obama a repeal of the Clinton-era law, known as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a policy critics said amounted to government-sanctioned discrimination that treated gay and lesbian troops as second-class citizens.”

    No thanks to Bozos that voted no, especially McCain the greatest hypocrite so far this century.


    I think Mel should have kicked Jeff somewhere painful and effective. But I guess the baggage claim area so soon after arrival is a tad too crowded for that.

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  12. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  about 14 years ago

    You know, before Joanie Caucus left her husband and jumped on the cycle with Mike and Mark, if memory serves, she had a daughter…..

    I mean, if little VietNamese orphan Kim can re-enter the strip as Mike’s second wife….why not? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Um, no! Joanie does indeed have a daughter – who is JJ, Mike’s first wife, and Alex’s mom! And she’s much older than Jeff.

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    FriscoLou  about 14 years ago

    Oh pooh, so quick with the fists, like George Bush.

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