Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 23, 2018

  1. Calvinosaurus
    The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover  over 6 years ago

    Well that’s your elevator Calvin.

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    BE THIS GUY  over 6 years ago

    The boy is trying to use gravity as an aid.

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    whataboytjiex2  over 6 years ago

    For someone with such a vivid imagination, Calvin can be really dumb sometimes! I predict that he is going to grow up to be one of those “Here hold my beer types”! He won’t make it to old age!

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    codycab  over 6 years ago

    “Again”?! Actually, that makes sense.

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  5. Samvadi fb
    in.amongst  over 6 years ago

    is he bowing to the Great Master Staircase?

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    Want a moving sidewalk, Calvin? Go live with George and Jane Jetson.

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    rekam  over 6 years ago

    And another good reason I’m glad I didn’t have kids.

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  8. Skywise21 2
    Yngvar Følling  over 6 years ago

    Watterson refused to consider an animated Calvin and Hobbes, and yet here he seems to have done most the work to make it happen. Just hire an in-betweener to smooth out the motion.

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  9. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  over 6 years ago

    Calvin would find a way to mess up an elevator.

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  10. Cutiger
    rentier  over 6 years ago

    We know now, why he is such a difficult kid, falling on head so often leaves its traces!!

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  11. Bighorn sheep mary rogers
    bluram  over 6 years ago

    Nobody can say that Calvin didn’t use his head once in a while.

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    cubswin2016  over 6 years ago

    That might explain why Calvin is so weird.

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    JudyHendrickson  over 6 years ago

    looks like a slinky to me!

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  14. Piggy2
    Greyhame  over 6 years ago

    Some people are like slinkies. Not good for much, but they bring a smile!

    When pushed down the stairs.

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  15. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 6 years ago

    Can you even GET a real metal Slinky any longer?

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  16. Dr g 01 2020
    sheilag  over 6 years ago

    Funny thing is, adults Calvin’s parent’s ages would likely be considering putting in an elevator if they wanted to stay in their two-story home nowadays. Or, some way to get up and down the stairs without the risk of having happen to them, what Calvin had happen today…

    And, those are some unsafe stairs without any kind of handrail…

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    DCBakerEsq  over 6 years ago

    It isn’t everyday you get to see the Building Code used as the basis for comedic effect in a comic strip. Next week? Federal banking regulations.

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    pnmiq  over 6 years ago

    As a kid we made lots of contraptions out of ropes and wheels and wood, but never a human slinky. I feel deprived.

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  19. Tulips
    locake  over 6 years ago

    A handrail on either side of the stairs would be a great idea.

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    Chad Cheetah  over 6 years ago

    Having read Watterson’s commentary on how he managed the size of Sunday strips, you can really tell the difference between them. Early ones have throwaway gags in the first two panels (since some newspapers wouldn’t print the whole thing) and later ones took advantage of all the space

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  21. Dt
    JohnFarson19  over 6 years ago

    “Aunt Bunny fell down the stairs, Aunt Bunny fell down the stairs”

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    Watterson did his own animation.

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  23. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 6 years ago

    I remember the Slinky craze. I also thought a Slinky “walking” down the stairs was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen – even as a kid. As a matter of fact, I was never that impressed with a Slinky. But the original Duncan Imperial yo-yo. Now that was a kid’s dream come true, even though in the days of my youth they cost the princely sum of $0.98.

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  24. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 6 years ago

    surprised dad didn’t respond: “you not in it” ☺

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  25. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Elevator? I’d think he’d want a firepole!

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    swanridge  over 6 years ago

    I don’t see any handrails! What negligent parents.

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