Suspect some of that hair is getting a bit sparse though. Trouble is as you age that luxurious hair disappears and starts sprouting in undesirable places.
I’m not touch this no-how!!! Anything I could say would get me in trouble BIG-TIME. Best to say nothing. And if asked, pretend not to hear the question.
llong65 over 6 years ago
she must be related to the hairy flightless bird in B.C. comic.
contralto2b over 6 years ago
I actually don’t have problems with more hair on my body as I age, just the hair I am losing on my head.
Alberta Oil over 6 years ago
Suspect some of that hair is getting a bit sparse though. Trouble is as you age that luxurious hair disappears and starts sprouting in undesirable places.
Neat '33 over 6 years ago
Um Roz? Shouldn’t that be “feathers” instead of “hair”?
somebodyshort over 6 years ago
That’s not a visual I’d like to start the weekend with. Brain bleach please.
Petemejia77 over 6 years ago
Your body is on my mind, Roz!
littlejohn Premium Member over 6 years ago
I’m not touch this no-how!!! Anything I could say would get me in trouble BIG-TIME. Best to say nothing. And if asked, pretend not to hear the question.
Iwa Iniki over 6 years ago
Many have the same problem.