SPAM is just plain nasty. Not fit for human consumption. Back in the 50’s it was stocked on the dog food aisle in grocery stores. That should tell you something!
We love our Spam in Hawaii. Never seen it locked up but is it usually stocked with every variety that Hormel makes and takes up lot of shelf space. Even McDonalds sells a few items with Spam.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
The islanders sure like their musubi. I’m not from Hawaii (though I’ve been there… TWICE!!!), but musubi is the only way I like SPAM®.
Bilan over 6 years ago
I’ve never seen SPAM locked up in a case here in Hawaii, and have never heard of a Mickey in my work as a programmer.
Jaw Jacker over 6 years ago
SPAM is just plain nasty. Not fit for human consumption. Back in the 50’s it was stocked on the dog food aisle in grocery stores. That should tell you something!
James Wolfenstein over 6 years ago
Juan Pujol Garcia was a double agent. So double that he ended up cheating both sides of those medals and a lot of money.
dwdl21 over 6 years ago
rehaag Premium Member over 6 years ago
It clearly says “Believe it or Not” so maybe this one is a “Not”
J Short over 6 years ago
So the locked cases are spam blockers.
J Short over 6 years ago
Juan was flying an ME-109 over Britain when he accidentally shot himself down.
J Short over 6 years ago
Measured in Mickeys; that’s Goofy.
joeatwork212 over 6 years ago
Was Garcia a double agent?
squiggle9 over 6 years ago
sounds a little over the top
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
I’ve visited 3 islands and never seen Spam locked up. However, they do really like it and last time I had Spam flavored macadamia nuts!
EdCampbell over 6 years ago
I use a track ball instead of a mouse, do they measure that in “rollys”?
Andrew Moore over 6 years ago
Believe It or Don’t! Most of the time, I don’t.
wizengy over 6 years ago
We love our Spam in Hawaii. Never seen it locked up but is it usually stocked with every variety that Hormel makes and takes up lot of shelf space. Even McDonalds sells a few items with Spam.
djlactin over 6 years ago
The story about Garcia is fascinating. Check Wikipedia.
Max Starman Jones over 6 years ago
I know how I can pay for my vacation to Hawaii. I will pack a couple of suitcases full of spam to sell on the open market.
wirepunchr over 6 years ago
In the meat industry Spam is known as liquid meat in a can.
The Pro from Dover over 6 years ago
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam wonderful spam!
arthurseery over 6 years ago
Not true, Not true, and a collaborator will collaborate with whoever pays him.
nonoyobeezwaks 5 months ago
A British soldier name John Coward I believe, was mistaken for German and given an iron cross.