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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 20, 2010
Melissa: Stay strong, sister! Man: Who's that? Melissa: My seatmate on the flight. She's being discharged. Her own girlfriend outed her. Man: Just as well. Melissa: Well, I couldn't agree less, Dad - the Army needs her. But it should improve her social life. Jeff: Share a cab?Soldier: Fail. Move along. Or not.
mrbribery about 14 years ago
“Weapons analyst? Say I have a weapon I need analyzed!”
Sandfan about 14 years ago
Such a gracious turndown should show Jeff that he’s lucky to have been blown off.
The Army should improve her social life? What, personal ads in Stars and Stripes?
SgtSaunders about 14 years ago
He’s the Lovemaster.
TheSkulker about 14 years ago
RinaFarina said Yesterday Does anybody else miss the comments on Pibgorn? I know this isn’t the place to say it, but the right place is, of course, the comments on Pibgorn! So how can I get in touch?? It leaves a gap in my life!
Yes, it leaves a gap in a lot of lives. Until fairportfan re-establishes control of the original CCoC the best we can do is participate in the CCoC v2 and the Couch Annex. It is not the best but is better than nothing.
Nemesys about 14 years ago
@sandfan, I think Mel’s saying that leaving the army will improve her social life. I agree that being gay is no excuse to be nasty, even to wannabee predator drones like Jeff.
Chikuku, the truth that you’re running from is that the Tea Party doesn’t give a hoot about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, unless repealing it will somehow cost taxpayers more money. As to being in its grave, just look at how the earmark-laden spending bill was withdrawn before sending flowers.
BrianCrook about 14 years ago
Not exactly, Nemesys. Most Tea-Bags focus on economic issues, but some also object to the government’s “meddling” in social issues.
The Republicans threw the Tea-Bags over the side when the Republicans insisted on tax cuts for millionaires and to hell with the federal debt.
Rina, Brooke McEldowney, at his blog, claims that he provided reasons for the closing of Pibgorn’s comments, but I cannot find them. He does say that he will e-mail anyone who asks what his reasons were, so I would suggest doing that, if I were you.
Potrzebie about 14 years ago
So how did Jeff get from the Cave to the freedom-bird? Now that DADT is almsot gone, will there be an increase or decrease in dishcarges before the measure takes effect?
Nemesys about 14 years ago
Brian, while it is convenient to lump people together that we don’t agree with, don’t confuse social conservatism with economic conservatism. True, some folks do wear both hats, but that would be like me saying that anyone who was against DADT is automatically an American-hating Code Pink liberal commie in cahoots with terrorists in their quest to degrade our military effectiveness. Of course, that is the case with some, but not most people. As to the Tea Party, I do know some members who felt that it was time for DADT to go.
I also think that you have it backwards, in that the reason that Republicans pushed hard for maintaining the existing tax rates for all Americans was because that’s exactly what the Tea Party wanted from them. For some reason, Tea Partiers think that the practice of blocking redistribution of wealth is important for everyone, even while 99% of its base are uneducated hicks (per GT’s depiction) and will never find itself in that upper category. The impact on the Federal debt is insignificant, as you and they well know.
ZorkArg about 14 years ago
Hey, Chikuku -
What’s DOMA?? Not familiar with that term…
jay_dallas about 14 years ago
Defense of Marriage Act… defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman
Nemesys about 14 years ago
Somehow, I don’t think that the timing is very good for the repeal of the DOMA. Let’s not confuse the last-hour behavior of desperate ducks with what Congress will be doing for the next 2 years.
pirate227 about 14 years ago
Barking up the wrong tree, Rascal.
cdhaley about 14 years ago
” … but it should improve her social life.” As the last panel confirms, “it” refers to the discharge—which merely throws Mel’s friend back into the social world she was able to escape by going into weapons analysis. Mel’s prediction is subjective (she imagines she’ll have a better social life outside the army).
By and large, demonstrative homosexuals are unhappy people. They say they want society to treat them just like everyone else; yet at the same time, they insist on coming out and telling the world they’re not like everyone else.
Their problematic situation recalls the perennial condition of religious sects, who insist on their singularity while professing to be fully responsible citizens.
anne-marie hunter about 14 years ago
brian cook, rina - there was an explanation on why pibgorn comments were removed - basically it came down to comments made regarding his art and some suggestivemness. Seems some comments were not appropriate for all age groups.
Personally, I;m surprised case the yenny comments session still survives. I don;t remeber seeing anything on pibgorns as inappropriate
but i do love the art.
yuggib about 14 years ago
“Nemesys said, about 1 hour ago
Somehow, I don’t think that the timing is very good for the repeal of the DOMA. Let’s not confuse the last-hour behavior of desperate ducks with what Congress will be doing for the next 2 years.”
Nemesys, think about this; Truman told the military to integrate in his 49-53 term in office, 1954: Brown vs The Board of Education was won and the school children were sort of integrated (we all know how long THAT has been going on without complete success!) When you have a young and impressionable populace forced to do something that is right, they soon begin to see the fallacy of their parents and begin to change society. Not everyone will be comfortable, ever, with others who are different (I still have trouble when I first see a mixed race couple together, but I put my mind in gear) be they mixed race, gay or whatever. Wait until ET’s come down and join human society (if ever, if there are ET’s) and whatch the fireworks! Want a preview? Find a copy of the movie or TV show, “Alien Nation.” (Of course the writers of the TV show were members of the Zonker Harris fan club, and I want at their stash!)
Sandfan about 14 years ago
Okay, mea culpa; “it” refers to the discharge and not the Army.
Nemesys about 14 years ago
jrmerm, are you saying that your gaydar picked that up in a comic?
Thanks to Seth. 9 Chickweed Lane is the first comic I read every day.
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
What’s DOMA?
Oh yes, I see that that question has been answered already. Hint, hint - that’s not true in Canada. Come up for a lovely holiday and wedding! If you like snow, you’ll love it here right now!
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh, @The Skulker, Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! xxxxx That’s what I was hoping for, that someone would know of a place where people were gathering. I shall quickly bookmark the two addresses you gave: let’s see, under Comic Strips! (I have a lot of bookmarks there already.)
FriscoLou about 14 years ago
I still think that the next time Dan Choi marches in the parade, he should march with the outed DADT non-gay softball players.
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
@BrianCrook; how do I get in touch with Mr McEldowney? What is his email address?
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
What’s DOMA?
Oh yes, I see that that question has been answered already. Hint, hint - that’s not true in Canada. Come up for a lovely holiday and wedding! If you like snow, you’ll love it here right now!
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
As to the reason why the comments were suppressed, I have noticed that the US tends to censor anything to do with sex, but glorifies anything to do with violence.
I have an attitude that goes more in the reverse direction. Hence I love the drawings in Pibgorn, while finding them somewhat too sexist for my taste (more pictures of gorgeous men, please? with more emphasis on the gorgeousness of their bodies), and I like the freedom with which Dru makes suggestive remarks (altho not quite suggestive enough for me).
And I find that Pibgorn has is no particular glorification of violence, altho if I were going to have nightmares with monsters in them, they would be the monsters in Pibgorn.
I remember fondly the days of the 60’s, 70’s, etc. when they didn’t spell words like “f…” with dots but with real letters. Now every time I see dots, I think “censorship”. Never expected it to come back.
Finally, as for the comments not being suitable for all ages, there ought to be some kind of warning message on the site saying something like “For mature adults only”. I don’t see why the entire internet should be censored.
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
@plus4; who’s “the dad”? Oh, I see - Mel’s father.
RinaFarina about 14 years ago
@yuggib; when I see a mixed-race couple together, it gives me a warm glow in my heart, and I find myself thinking, “Well, something is going right in this world.”
I live in a multicultural, multiracial city (Montreal), and I enjoy learning about other people in this world.
FriscoLou about 14 years ago
I see your diversity Rina, and raise ya. Here we have our sex and violence (uncensored).
Chrisnp about 14 years ago
I think we are reading too much into Mel’s dad’s response “Just as well.” He shows up in two frames of a one comic, and some folks seem ready to label him.
RinaFarina, said “I have an attitude that goes more in the reverse direction. Hence I love the drawings in Pibgorn, while finding them somewhat too sexist for my taste.”
Rina, you are delightfully Canadian! I recall that during the 2004 Superbowl, while we were all abuzz about Janet Jackson’s nipple, you Canadians were instead flooding the CBSC with complaints about the sexism in one of the Superbowl beer commercials. It’s our violent prudish censors vs. your politically correct censors. Our respective publics both are just getting what they ask for.
By the way, while same sex unions seem not to be a threat to Canadian marriage, polyamorous relationships can still be prosecuted under Canadian law. So it’s marry who you want, but one at a time, please.
queertoons about 14 years ago
Nemesys said, 1 day ago
Somehow, I don’t think that the timing is very good for the repeal of the DOMA. Let’s not confuse the last-hour behavior of desperate ducks with what Congress will be doing for the next 2 years. —– Huh? Republicans crossing the aisle, repudiating their leadership’s institutionalization of minority rule? That’s not desperate ducks, that’s voting on principle. It’s what we used to expect of our elected representatives.