Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for October 05, 2018

  1. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  about 6 years ago

    All I can think of is, Hat in Hand and groveling, is like Butt in a Sling and singing the blues.

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  2. Mug1
    waycyber  about 6 years ago

    Forswear the head covering of shame, for the tassels are too long and they are just the wrong shade of puchre

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  3. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The gum leaf skeletoniser caterpillar (Uraba lugens) wears a strange kind of hat, but has no hands.

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  4. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I’m seeing sort of an issue with those tiny limbs and hats.

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  5. Colt2
    coltish1  about 6 years ago

    Seems like you’d have get down pretty low, physically, to grovel before a caterpillar. Like knee-high to grasshopper, only not the same.

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  6. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  about 6 years ago

    No need to doff, just touch the rim. Worms your way out of too much cordiality on a busy day.

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  7. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  about 6 years ago

    Answering that question will be quite a trick.

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  8. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 6 years ago

    As the worm turns.

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  9. 7831c9a4 3d01 43f0 af20 333f72f4f2c7
    Howard'sMyHero  about 6 years ago

    What’s a hat? (Something that can be held in hand) … What’s a hand? (Something that can hold a hat) … What’s a hat? (Stop talking) … What’s talking?


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  10. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  about 6 years ago

    A Rock and Roll song by Del Shannon, Hats Off To Larry. A good deed by Larry is the reason Del sings hats off to him…

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  11. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 6 years ago

    “I haven’t had a good grovel and beg in years” said the banker.

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  12. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 6 years ago

    The pre-pupal stage of life can be a stressful time and often causes one to lash out with unrealistic expectations; what with all the foreboding of the unfathomable darkness to come, the cramped cocooning, the complete dissolution of being and metamorphosis into god knows what. You will often find them on street corners, tilting signage like a lop-sided windmill, shouting at fear as if it is knowable, lamenting the loss of lame. Lets hope the Angel of Grace can save us.

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  13. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 6 years ago

    Caterpillar shed her skin to find a butterfly within.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 6 years ago

    Yes. It is too much to ask. You’re a frickin’ short-lived caterpillar, not the high priestess of lame!

    —Although one does speak for the other. It’s a meta thing, not at all lame, really….

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  15. Prettyfeet
    prettyfeet  about 6 years ago

    Yesterday 75 comments, today not even 20 comments. Was today a roundup of Froglandians with arrest warrants or something? What happened? Was today’s FA too lame or not lame enough?

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  16. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 6 years ago

    I blames the politics.

    Crooked liar Trump the traitor got an allowance from his daddy, after his daddy died Putin bailed him out. Trump sees Putin as a father figure.

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  17. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 6 years ago

    A silk or wool hat?

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