Prunella must use Texpand or something – though how Marigold translates it will always be a bit of a mystery, other than the standard explanation: UNICORN!
Phoebe should offer to go along and record it for Dakota’s blog – not that Dakota will appreciate it that much if she wins, but having video of Miss Reed losing a popularity contest to a goblin would be priceless. (Not that Phoebe would ever post it, but it would be a good thing to think about whenever Dakota puts her down.)
Averagemoe about 6 years ago
Alright, new theory, only some goblins know how to write in really bad English, and Prunella has a translator for her twitter feed.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
oh, the oblivious umlaut (I wonder into what blàrt, blárt, blârt, blært, blãrt, blårt, blārt, and bląrt translate)
ikini Premium Member about 6 years ago
“Hey unicorn.” How rude. She knows Marigold’s name.
Troglodyte about 6 years ago
Prunella must use Texpand or something – though how Marigold translates it will always be a bit of a mystery, other than the standard explanation: UNICORN!
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
If “I am Groot” can mean so many different things, then why not “Blart”?
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
And here I thought it was all in the context. Dakota has a cute outfit, BTW.
Trond Sätre Premium Member about 6 years ago
I wouldn’t have thought that Goblinspeak works as well in writing as in oral form
Wichita1.0 about 6 years ago
There’s considerable subtext. Also that little pie chart we’re not shown. Oh, great. Now I want pie.
scyphi26 about 6 years ago
Now this’ll be interesting.
BiggerNate91 about 6 years ago
Have we ever seen that hat before?
cuteswan Premium Member about 6 years ago
Phoebe should offer to go along and record it for Dakota’s blog – not that Dakota will appreciate it that much if she wins, but having video of Miss Reed losing a popularity contest to a goblin would be priceless. (Not that Phoebe would ever post it, but it would be a good thing to think about whenever Dakota puts her down.)
sjsczurek about 6 years ago
I could never get those accent marks! I’ve tried so many key combinations, but I can’t find them!
Stephen Gilberg about 6 years ago
At least it’s not Trial by Stone.
craigwestlake about 6 years ago
People may not understand “Blart”, but a “Fart” will grab your attention…
Daeder about 6 years ago
For the contest, they’re going to need an impartial judge who will plot their popularity on a blart chart.
Pusheen the Cat over 4 years ago