Pickles by Brian Crane for December 20, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 6 years ago

    how about none, Opal?

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  2. Mr peterson
    Mr. Peterson  about 6 years ago

    Why does Sylvia look a lot older in this strip? Lack of sleep?

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  3. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  about 6 years ago

    “Why, whatever do you mean?” The least innocent question uttered by the guilty.

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  4. Large 1. crown
    wonkmaster  about 6 years ago

    yeah, something’s different about the strip

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    No, Mom. You do it.

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    Macushlalondra  about 6 years ago

    In other words yes. Isn’t it enough that you are practically raising Nelson?

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    enigmamz  about 6 years ago

    I hope that in panel 2, she used a syrupy-sweet condescending voice. ;)

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    Breadboard  about 6 years ago

    Well at least Earl can’t be blamed for this one :-)

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  9. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 6 years ago

    Transparent, thy name is Opal.

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    MayCauseBurns  about 6 years ago

    She’s working a second job to pay for printer ink.

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  11. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 6 years ago

    As long as I can pawn them off to you, sure, Mom!

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    jagedlo  about 6 years ago

    Was going to say something about “being too old to have another child”, but then I remember that I’ve seen stories about women in their 50’s and 60’s giving birth…

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    contralto2b  about 6 years ago

    I am fortunate that my SISTER likes kids and had 3 and her oldest also liked kids and had 6. That takes the pressure off the rest of us! I have no desire to be a grandmother (except to a cat) and my only daughter has no desire to have kids (except for said cat). So thankful to my sister and oldest niece!

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    Grutzi  about 6 years ago

    Opal, we are absolutely not allowed to say one word on the topic of our kids having kids! You should know better than that. Leave it to Nelson to take charge of the guilting for a sibling.

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  15. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  about 6 years ago

    How many kids did Opal have?

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    Mary Sullivan Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I thought that was what Opal was up to.

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    ForrestOverin  about 6 years ago

    She doesn’t look older than Opal…

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    timbob2313 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I currently have 6 grandkids. given global climate change however, that is more than enough

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    lagoulou  about 6 years ago

    Grandparents don’t have to necessarily suffer through the terrible 2’s and the hormonal teen years…..parents do!

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    WCraft  about 6 years ago

    Sounds like my house. The few times I actually need to print something, we’re out of ________ (pick a color including black) ink…

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    dogday Premium Member about 6 years ago

    “Why sure, Mom. I’ll have another child or two as soon as you and Dad take another mortgage or two on your house.”

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    She needs to have her wireless printer to only work for her.

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  23. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 6 years ago

    One of my pet peeves is when other people ask/dictate/hint/advise on how many children a family should or shouldn’t have. I have one child and do not plan to have any more. Any time I get “advised” to have more I say, “Sure, if you agree to carry the child and pay for the child’s future expenses, I’ll be happy to add another one to my family!” The response is usually, “Good point.” or “Touche!”. Sometimes a polite way of telling someone to mind their own business actually works out well!

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  24. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  about 6 years ago

    Color toner ain’t cheap ya know…

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  25. Zoot and saxophone
    Boise Ed Premium Member about 6 years ago

    And here I thought she was just mooching the printer.

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