I never found high school and college math all that bad – very challenging at times for sure, but not the horror stories that I so often heard when I was in elementary school. It seemed that every other kid I knew had older siblings that passed on all the stories about how awful math would be. The worst one I remember hearing about is taking a big test, and after an hour you are still looking for a problem that you can do!
wiatr over 5 years ago
Luann’s analytical skills may be topnotch but alas, that wasn’t the point of the work.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Uhhhhh, “Life” doesn’t work that way, Luann.
As you’ll one day find out………,
cubswin2016 over 5 years ago
Luann is not considering the consequences of her actions.
Jogger2 over 5 years ago
Some problems that look easy turn out to be hard. Some problems that look hard turn out to be easy.
jvn over 5 years ago
Too bad the DeGroot’s avocado-shaped craniums eventually became rounder. They could have had a career in sideshows and just not worried about grades.
WF11 over 5 years ago
I never found high school and college math all that bad – very challenging at times for sure, but not the horror stories that I so often heard when I was in elementary school. It seemed that every other kid I knew had older siblings that passed on all the stories about how awful math would be. The worst one I remember hearing about is taking a big test, and after an hour you are still looking for a problem that you can do!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Luann has a problem with math. I understand that.