Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 16, 2019

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 6 years ago

    I don’t want to hear how that night ended.

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    Clement Taylor  almost 6 years ago

    My number was 120. Fortunately or unfortunately I had put on a lot of weight during college and was 4F

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    braindead Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    If only Zonker had had enough money to buy some bone spurs.

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    desvarzil  almost 6 years ago

    I had #52 in the last Draft lottery held. Shortly after I received the notification of my lottery number and my status (1A) I received a letter from my Draft Board that the plan was to take up to #75 that year.

    On October 14th, 1972, I received a notification to report for a “Pre-induction Physical”. I headed to the Air Force Recruiting Office the next business day to start my enlistment process even though I also got a notification that I had gotten a full Academic Scholarship to Penn State in that same mail. (The 2C deferment had been eliminated in 1969.)

    I went in with the intention of only doing the minimum four years and getting out. However, due to a strange set of circumstances, I ended up spending a little over nine years in the Air Force, including three years in Germany and a year in Japan. I don’t regret it.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Amazing how we can take our deepest misery and make a fond memory out of it if when seen from the distance of time.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I remember the Nixon lottery, too. My closest friend drew a low number, around 30, and I drew 339. That changed my life. I dropped out of college and started working full time at my job. My friend finished our college and went on to another college before becoming a social worker. I worked for a few years and then got an AS degree in electronics and worked for 2 years before surrendering my life to the Christian ministry. I’m still at it. My friend recently died but he had a great life.

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    Oge  almost 6 years ago

    I’ll never forget
guys left the TV lounge at the dorm crying
I drew 200 and thought I was home free. They got to 295 that year. I was bussed into Chicago for my physical and got to talking with a black kid from the city who already had a bullet in his chest.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  almost 6 years ago

    Zonker is a poet and he don’t even know it.

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    Ammosexual  Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Those Lottery Days were a Big Deal on My Street I was way to Young to Go but My Friends watched in real fear.

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    mourdac Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I had #15 the year the draft was discontinued. About the only time I “won” a lottery.

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    ajnotales  almost 6 years ago

    Because I left my college ROTC program after two years, I was very interested in the outcome of the Lottery and what it meant for my life. When I came out at #364, I knew I’d made the right decision, or at least the lucky one

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    ron  almost 6 years ago

    Every male Dane is required to complete compulsory military service. The USA should do the same!

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    Super Fly  almost 6 years ago

    I was number 167. Split for the coast the next day.

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    WF11  almost 6 years ago

    Number 348 here, born in 1952. I know a guy who was #366 (1952 was a leap year). Had one friend who was #10, joined the Navy. I was a 2-S (College Deferment) at the time, though I understood that taking that extended one’s availability later on (was that true?). I believe that 2-S was discontinued for anyone starting college after the 1970-1971 academic year; another friend who was #56 got a notification for the Physical, but fortunately for him he had graduated a semester early in 1971 and started college. Obviously this was the big topic of conversation for a few weeks each year back then (being 18 or 19 then was not as carefree as I would like to remember it!). To think, the Draft wasn’t really that big of a deal until the stupidity of getting involved in Vietnam. As I recall, Nixon gutted the Anti-War movement by ending the Draft!

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    1MadHat Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I had applied for a student deferment, which didn’t go through, but that then extended draft eligibility to age 35, a little known gotcha. Then the draft lottery came along. I had the 2S application in and my 1Y ‘women and children first’ classification (medical deferment until condition – amputation – cleared up. What?). So I was potentially eligible, depending on politics. Sat up for the numbers to come in. 100, 200, 300 (nerves kicking in), 350, 360 (now I knew I missed something), 365, 366 -me. Me, and one third of a percent became as lucky as we could be. I was never drafted, but then the reports started coming in on the news. I found I never had any animosity against the troops that “participated”, but there was plenty of it for the foolish ones who got us there. Sixty years later, and it’s still tough to talk about those years. Sixty years, and a lot of respect.

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    PaulStymfal  almost 6 years ago

I’m a born winner

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    NCTom Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    This strip is from 1992, kind of a 25 anniversary strip for some and now 27 years later, it still is huge for those of us of the right age. #35 for me, being allergic to the outdoors saved me when I had that Spring time physical.

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