Pinions are the the feathers at the tip of a bird’s wing that allows it to fly. They are also the ones that people will trim to prevent birds from flying away. Crows have 5 pinion feathers while ravens have 6. So, if you think about it, it’s really just a matter of a pinion.
MrFixit almost 6 years ago
I thought your purpose was to scare the crows away, not attract them.
santa72404 almost 6 years ago
But will it work in OZ?
T Smith almost 6 years ago
It’s a no-brainer, really.
cdward almost 6 years ago
Don’t you want “Crowgone?”
uniquename almost 6 years ago
Maybe he wants to attract them so he can become a murder of crows.
Radish... almost 6 years ago
They get hung up over everything.
Chief Inspector almost 6 years ago
yes its minozidil
iggyman almost 6 years ago
The other guy must be or have “Crowbait”!
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 6 years ago
The dude is outstanding in his field.
osceola almost 6 years ago
It looks more like a crow bar.
the lost wizard almost 6 years ago
You’re going to be nailed to the cross when the farmer finds out.
zeexenon almost 6 years ago
Hey, what’s that tapping on my chamber door? (Cousins in need are cousins indeed.)
Lablubber almost 6 years ago
When’s lunch? I’m ravenous.
pjdougherty almost 6 years ago
Always look on the bright side of life
TurbosDad almost 6 years ago
“Crowgaine. Crow gone”…
Lablubber almost 6 years ago
Pinions are the the feathers at the tip of a bird’s wing that allows it to fly. They are also the ones that people will trim to prevent birds from flying away. Crows have 5 pinion feathers while ravens have 6. So, if you think about it, it’s really just a matter of a pinion.