Autocorrect was the first thing I got rid of when starting my latest smartphone. I wonder whether there is anybody profiting from using it. It always spoiled every other word I typed, and I needed much more time to correct autocorrect than I would have needed without it.
Bilan almost 6 years ago
You’re fired …
… out into space!
juncarlo almost 6 years ago
Hey, there’s a vacancy in the R.U Sirius, maybe you can replace Ensign Kenny.
Spock almost 6 years ago
Autocorrect was the first thing I got rid of when starting my latest smartphone. I wonder whether there is anybody profiting from using it. It always spoiled every other word I typed, and I needed much more time to correct autocorrect than I would have needed without it.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 6 years ago
And when Dirk says “fired” he doesn’t just mean “no longer employed”….
Gent almost 6 years ago
Just what the ancient astronut theorists were afraid off.
DCBakerEsq almost 6 years ago
Darth never had this problem.
blakerl almost 6 years ago
Hay! Doofus! You got spleenin to do!
Jml58 almost 6 years ago
You are fired, and I have squad to my fireing.