Grandma seems unable to set and maintain the boundaries essential to raising children with a sense of mental and emotional security. Much like it would be to remove all the traffic speed/directional signs, signals, and lane markings. Complete chaos would result.
jpayne4040 almost 6 years ago
Quality time usually means time with no electronics!
valkriesmurf almost 6 years ago
Quality time is a thing parents invented so they didn’t feel guilty about not being able to give kids quantity time.
Thechildinme almost 6 years ago
Grandma seems unable to set and maintain the boundaries essential to raising children with a sense of mental and emotional security. Much like it would be to remove all the traffic speed/directional signs, signals, and lane markings. Complete chaos would result.
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
What ever works.
cuzinron47 almost 6 years ago
So, you had to bribe them to stay.