Way back in the old days before fancy TV video effects, The weatherman stood behind a glass map and wrote the local temperatures for the region in reverse with both hands to appear correct to the viewers.
I had a calculus teacher that could face the class holding the book in her left hand, twist her right hand around and scribble on the blackboard faster than we could copy (even if you could see around or through her), and shaking her head up and down while explaining, and asking, “You do understand, don’t you?” If nobody said no, then she would replace the chalk with the eraser in her right hand, and erase what she had just done, and we still hadn’t been able to copy it down. The other instructors would move from left to right among along the three blackboards, making note taking much easier.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
what an interesting ambidextrous woman Ms. George is
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Zelma reminds me of Professor Backwards who was popular back in the day . . .
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 6 years ago
So who was their shrink?
jvn almost 6 years ago
So THAT’S what cricket bats are used for!
Gent almost 6 years ago
Zelma must be an alien from the fifth dimension!
therese_callahan2002 almost 6 years ago
Guess that explains Crick-ee, the cricket from “Mulan.”
Dean almost 6 years ago
Way back in the old days before fancy TV video effects, The weatherman stood behind a glass map and wrote the local temperatures for the region in reverse with both hands to appear correct to the viewers.
jbrobo Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I’m sure the “ men in black” know all about Zelma….
cdnalor almost 6 years ago
I wonder about the legality of keeping human shrunken heads. Those were people once, you know…
aimlesscruzr almost 6 years ago
US President James Garfield could write Latin with his right hand and Greek with his left, simultaneously.
J Short almost 6 years ago
I can write like that….you just won’t be able to read it.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Zelma eventually got a job in a traveling circus designing posters.
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 6 years ago
Zelma was apparently an attorney.
JanBic Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Writing backwards with your non-dominant hand is actually not too hard. Try it and see.
El Cobbo Grande almost 6 years ago
I’ll take the fifth……hold the mixer
ncorgbl almost 6 years ago
Bilan almost 6 years ago
Can Ripley do something about Trump’s massive ego?
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Where can they find boxing gloves little enough for the crickets?
craigwestlake almost 6 years ago
Big deal. My wife can do that with our car…
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I had a calculus teacher that could face the class holding the book in her left hand, twist her right hand around and scribble on the blackboard faster than we could copy (even if you could see around or through her), and shaking her head up and down while explaining, and asking, “You do understand, don’t you?” If nobody said no, then she would replace the chalk with the eraser in her right hand, and erase what she had just done, and we still hadn’t been able to copy it down. The other instructors would move from left to right among along the three blackboards, making note taking much easier.
The Pro from Dover almost 6 years ago
57BelAir over 5 years ago
OK I’ll bite, I don’t believe about the shrunken heads.