Maybe her son is the choosen one now.
It is a shame. It’s a nice little shop, so to see it be brought down by such a (largely) mundane series of events is disappointing.
She should have eaten the placenta.
Oh, Amy. You’ll always be a queen in my eyes, though I cannot call you THE queen. I only ever recognized one as such, and she……no, best not reopen that old wound.
OK, British cousins, a little help here, please. What’s a Divvy? A diviner? A divine? A divan? A diverticulum?
May 03, 2017
Aladar30 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Maybe her son is the choosen one now.
scyphi26 over 5 years ago
It is a shame. It’s a nice little shop, so to see it be brought down by such a (largely) mundane series of events is disappointing.
willie_mctell over 5 years ago
She should have eaten the placenta.
garcalej over 5 years ago
Oh, Amy. You’ll always be a queen in my eyes, though I cannot call you THE queen. I only ever recognized one as such, and she……no, best not reopen that old wound.
GaryCooper over 5 years ago
OK, British cousins, a little help here, please. What’s a Divvy? A diviner? A divine? A divan? A diverticulum?