For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 26, 2011

  1. Th tintin snowy 1
    FlyinHeavy  almost 14 years ago

    In about 6-8 years strip time, IIRC. Both the other kids were early in their teenage years.

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    rshive  almost 14 years ago

    ladyfinger – April was a sort of late in life happening. Can still remember the gist of the strip.

    Ellie – But I can’t be pregnant! There’s got to be a mistake.

    Nurse - Yes there is. But we didn’t make it.

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Yes, it’s so much more fun when it’s someone else who is pregnant. LOL!

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  4. Webspider
    WebSpider  almost 14 years ago

    I guess nobody in this strip ever heard of condoms… How many kids does this make for Annie?

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    legaleagle48  almost 14 years ago

    ladyfingers86 said, about 7 hours ago

    So…..when does Elly becomes pregnant with April?

    FlyinHeavy said, about 4 hours ago

    In about 6-8 years strip time, IIRC. Both the other kids were early in their teenage years.

    And, as I noted yesterday (and everyone keeps ignoring), April got her name from the fact that she was actually born in the month of April. Therefore, look for Elly to get pregnant with her (IF she does) sometime around July 2017, with April being born during APRIL 2018 – and not before.

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  6. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    WebSpider …according to Wikipedia, Annie Nichols had 3 kids with her husband, they had three children: Christopher, who was about the same age as Elizabeth, Richard, about three years younger and the first birth to appear in the strip, and Leah, who was best remembered for having been born with six fingers on each hand.

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    Hornet62  almost 14 years ago

    Please make sure that you tell all of us who did not read this originally what is going to happen. It makes it so much better. Any movies y’all haven’t seen yet? Maybe I can tell you how they end so you will enjoy them much more.

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  8. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  almost 14 years ago

    WebSpider, you said yesterday that there are only two reasons for gaining weight: overeating and not exercising. Not true. About 12, 14 years ago, I began to gain weight. And I had all the symptoms, including the more unusual ones, of hypothyroidism. However, because lab results came back in the so-called normal range, no medical care provider (I don’t like the term health care provider, but that’s another lecture.) would prescribe thyroid med. Of course, they were perfectly willing to prescribe all the expensive, non-generic, meds to treat the symptoms. I was told it was my age (I was another neurotic post-menopausal woman afraid of losing my … um … youth, shall we say tactfully) and/or heredity (Not one of those medical care providers bothered to ask about my family history though. Yes, there is a history of hypothyroidism.). I was finally diagnosed last year. And you know, it’s not just the weight, or the dry skin; untreated hypothyroidism causes cardiovascular and other problems.

    And she’s off ….

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    legaleagle48  almost 14 years ago

    Robert Brown, when people ask a direct question about the strip in here, they’re going to get a direct response. When we talk about what’s coming up, it’s generally in response to a direct question that someone has asked about what direction the storyline is going to go. Our responses are not directed at readers such as yourself, nor are they specifically intended to spoil the plot for anyone who hasn’t read the strip before.

    While I can appreciate that you’d prefer to remain unspoiled, there is simply no way to avoid it, since this forum doesn’t have a spoilers-only thread or a “no spoilers” policy. It’s always been “read at your own risk.”

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  10. Me
    imrobert  almost 14 years ago

    Of course, there is always the option of not reading the comments section . . .

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    pyrowesel  almost 14 years ago

    When my friend told me in a text that she was pregnant my first response was “!!!” When I found out it was deliberate and how happy she was I was able to convey other sentiments, but I felt more comfortable not starting off with a congrats.

    My default response to news many kinds of news is to say that it’s exciting, since it works if it’s good or bad.

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  12. A7d
    jeffreydahn  almost 14 years ago

    Or posting the words “POTENTIAL SPOILER” at the start of the post.

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    safistikaytdlayd  almost 14 years ago

    Are these strips sort of repeats? I’m new to the site and I’ve always loved FBOFW. Sadly I had stopped reading them for a while. Last time I read them, most of her childrend were adults and I believe her son was married? So are these the same old “strips” or retellings of them? Either way, the story is excellent!!!

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  14. Ivymucha
    rowena28 Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I don’t remember this plot thread from the original run. Does Anne have an abortion or does she have the baby? It seems from this strip that she is not pleased, so I am assuming she will decide to terminate, but you never know. People sometimes change their minds & come around to deciding they want the kid even if it is unplanned.

    @legaleagle48: What do you mean IF Elly gets pregnant with April? This is just a re-run. Lynn Johnston retired, so I think she is re-running the old strips as-is, not updating the story lines anymore.

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    legaleagle48  almost 14 years ago

    Rowena28, Lynn has stated that she’s doing a kind of hybrid version of the strip now, one in which she’s updating the old strips every so often to make them a little more modern in tone and feel. So she may or may not decide to follow the original timeline and/or storylines as she laid them out then.

    April was born in the old strip because Lynn herself was thinking of having an actual third child at the time (she missed the early years of her other children’s growth and wanted to re-live them), but was unable to do so. A friend convinced her that she didn’t actually have to have a third child in order to re-experience the wonders of childbirth and the early years of childhood development; she could simply add a third child to the Patterson family instead. Thus, April was really a substitute for the third real-life child that Lynn once considered having.

    Since no real need for April exists now, she may or may not be born this time around, depending on whether Lynn feels the need to add her in a few years (she’s already said that one of the things that she wanted to do in the relaunch was to “trim the fat,” so to speak – that is, not to include as many secondary characters so that she could focus on the relationships among the existing Pattersons themselves.)

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  16. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Reassuring to see that only one commenter (so far) assumes we all want a houseful of kids. OTOH, I can’t imagine folks (at least not US folks) being tolerant of a decision to have an abortion. I think we can safely scrap that as a potential outcome.

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