Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for July 20, 2019

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    rekam  over 5 years ago

    Something must have disagreed with him.

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    jpayne4040  over 5 years ago

    A lot cheaper that way!

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  3. Peppermintpatty
    PepperStepper  over 5 years ago

    Rudy’s eating grass because he has an upset tummy.

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    1953Baby  over 5 years ago

    Be sure he’s still outside when it comes back up. . .

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    david_42  over 5 years ago

    I suspect dogs eat grass for the flavor. I had a greyhound who would only eat grass from a specific spot on a mile-long walk.

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 5 years ago

    Most of our dogs left it alone. However, our Viszla, Brandy would eat it when she had a upset tummy and sorry here (up it all came). Then she felt better, had water and would sit and wait for her treat.

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    WCraft  over 5 years ago

    Does that make me a vegetarian because I only eat animals which have been fed grass and grains?

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