“And the nose have it!” “In by a nose!” “A nose by another name still smells!” (I got a million of ’em!) {No, not a million noses. That would be ridiculous!}
Well guys, looks like you set Scott off. What exaggerated body parts is going under the pen next? Off course the reverse is possible, they could all end up stick figures. Or if Carolina ended up like Eric the Circle where would her attributes appear?
eromlig over 5 years ago
Antonio Prohias would have appreciated that tip-o-the-cap. Enjoy your work!
pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago
Actually, the term is “plantar wart”, “plantar” referring to the sole of the foot. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the humor.
franksmin over 5 years ago
Is that Pinocchio or Donald Trump? (ducks for cover)….who nose?
And who’s next? The Barbera Streisand schnoz or the Richard Nixon ski-jump?
tolkeinjew over 5 years ago
An homage to Spy vs Spy?
Jkendr46 over 5 years ago
Spy vs Spy. Nice!
ahnk_2000 over 5 years ago
And the noses reign supreme for a second day!
bonechan over 5 years ago
I’m guessing Jimmy Durante nose on the left.
gopher gofer over 5 years ago
the nose knows…
Jeffin Premium Member over 5 years ago
Is it nose week and nosebody told me?
coffeeturtle over 5 years ago
Spy vs Spy!!! LOL!!! Love it.
Dacker Premium Member over 5 years ago
Nice little nod to “Spy vs. Spy” and Mad magazine!
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 5 years ago
“And the nose have it!” “In by a nose!” “A nose by another name still smells!” (I got a million of ’em!) {No, not a million noses. That would be ridiculous!}
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 5 years ago
Oh, BTW, Thanks Scott! This is fun!
edstephens74 over 5 years ago
Tomorrow’s comic will have DeGaulle and the Monty Python’s big nose bit.
Indianapolis Smith over 5 years ago
Boy does that intern have a high waistline. Reminds me of Granpa!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 5 years ago
Well guys, looks like you set Scott off. What exaggerated body parts is going under the pen next? Off course the reverse is possible, they could all end up stick figures. Or if Carolina ended up like Eric the Circle where would her attributes appear?
Bill The Nuke over 5 years ago
Still hitting on the nose comment?
NWdryad over 5 years ago
Holy stinky, Batman! How is that intern still conscious?
Bob. over 5 years ago
How about a Bob Hope nose?
ViscountNik over 5 years ago
Next up – Mick Jagger with lips that take up half the panel…
RobinHood over 5 years ago
Is that Ringo in the background
craigwestlake over 5 years ago
I see Spy vs Spy et al., I think Scott is aggravated…